VMWare Workstation 14 - VMDK

How can i import the vmdk in esxi?

Just create a new vm, choose Linux 64 bit, remove hard disk, Sata , SCSIā€¦ Make sure boot is setup to EFIā€¦ Then saveā€¦
Edit it again, add excisting hard disk, point to the vmdk fileā€¦, Ide 0 ā€¦ Save ā€¦ Boot up


hoi, downloaded and installed in esxi6.7 this image : https://github.com/home-assistant/hassos/releases/download/1.10/hassos_ova-1.10.vmdk

working well, setup esxi with "other linux 64 bit - efi mode)

after a while 1 hours / 1 day ā€¦ randomy, i cant access/ping home assistant anymore, also if i look in esxi in the status, the internal IP is gone
i need to restart the hassos completely to see the IP again and can access it again ā€¦

whats wrong? how can i troubleshoot? if the IP vanishes, i cant find it anymore on the network, so in esxi i can only access the shell direcly via webgui

i now have configured Linux 64 bit , i can only choose VM network as adapter
maybe i need to try another os, so i can choose E1000 ?

Nice, got it to work. So is it the same procedure to import settings like on a rpi? Create a stick and passthrough to the vm ?

i dont need to passthroug anything? just attached the vmdk as a harddisk , and boot from it
you dont need an usb or whatever

Yes thats what I did - Fat 32 USB named CONFIG with network config file for a static IP attached it to the VM and rebooted - it imported the config at BOOT

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ah ok, and then you dont need to have the USB atached afterwards? so once config is loaded, its stays on static? even on reboot and no usb in passthrough?

With VMwareĀ® Workstation 14 Pro - 14.1.3 build-9474260 i bringt it upā€¦

I met the same problem

Not working with VMware Fusion under macOS either when dragging the VMDK file into the ā€œInstall from Disk or imageā€ screen, then selecting the ESXi 6.x option shown below that others have cited above. Errors out with

Could not open /dev/vmmon: Broken pipe. Please make sure that the kernel module ā€˜vmmonā€™ is loaded.

Completely new to the community, so perhaps just missing an obvious step, but exhbits the same failures regardless if selecting the option for Other Linux 4.x kernel 64-bit as well.

The VMDK is the already installed disk image. You add that VMDK as an existing hard disk when creating a new virtual machine. It should be Other Linux 4.x etc

I could never get it to work with Fusion on a Mac, with virtualbox on the same Mac and using exact same settings it worked straight away.

I havenā€™t used Virtual Box, Fusion or Workstation for quite a while but you should be able to import and export OVA files in all of them. The HASS virtual image should have been an OVA but for some reason it isnā€™t. If you can export the OVA from one virtual host you should be able to import it into another.

I tried that and then I just install Ubuntu Server CLI in Virtual Box and then hassio in Ubuntu Server.

This is how I solved it to run in VMware Workstation 15, but probably works also with 14.

  1. Create new virtual maschine (custom)
  2. Select ā€œWindows 10 x64ā€ as operating system
  3. Firmware Type --> UEFI (without secure boot)
  4. SCSI Controller --> LSI Logic SAS
  5. Virtual disk type --> SATA
  6. When importing the vmdk, do not choose ā€œconvertā€, just add it.

I would really, really recommend you using a bare metal virtualisation instead of VMWare Workstation

i love you, sir :heart_eyes::smiley: NOW ITā€™S WORK in the VMWare Workstation (14)!

I can also confirm that this is the working solution. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll made a blog post about enabling Hass.io as VM in VMware Workstation 15 Pro. https://www.ivobeerens.nl/2019/01/15/install-home-assistant-hass-io-in-vmware-workstation/

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Excellent guide. Used information from your example to adjust VMware Player deployment to use the VMDK.

Required the following step to adjust VMware Player to boot correctly.

Convert ā€œBIOSā€ (default) to ā€œEFIā€ type for new Virtual Machine

Last step before we start the image. The Home Assistant bootable VMDK disk was designed and configured for the boot-loader of EFI, instead of the older legacy ā€œBIOSā€ boot-loader.

If you have VMware workstation/ ESXi server, you may have access to a GUI entry to adjust this virtual firmware bootloader configuration.

However, VMware Player does not expose this setting in the GUI. To address this challenge, we will use VMware documented method to directly update the configuration file for our new Virtual machine for one (1) setting. https://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-28494

Navigate to the folder where the VMDK was extracted. You will now see several other files, include the primary configuration file for our new Virtual Machine. Its name will be ā€œ homeassistant.vmx ā€ . The ā€œ*.vmxā€ filename extension/suffix will contain hardware configuration for booting the VWmare VM server image.

Edit configuration file for new Virtual Machine

Use either MS Windows notepad.exe or Notepad++ or similar tool to edit the configuration file.

If the VM image was not started, we will NOT find a key:value pair with the string ā€œfirmwareā€. Note: If the VM image was started before we add in our entry, then startup issues will occur. (If this happens, please restart the lab from Step 4a.)

Append the following string to the bottom of the file & save the file.

firmware = ā€œefiā€œ

Start the new Virtual Machine

We are now ready to start our image and begin to use the Home Assistance application. Select our new Virtual Machine & click ā€œPlay virtual machineā€.

Observe the screen for ā€œboot-loaderā€ information related to EFI. This will be confirmation that we did configure the VMDK hard drive image to load correctly and will have no unexpected issues.

Extra Step ā€“ Disable the annoying backspace keyboard beep within a VMware image for VMWare Player

VMware Player configuration item:

Add this line in C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Player\config.ini
mks.noBeep = ā€œTRUEā€

Additional Docker Commands for the Home Assistant Application

docker ps [List all containers & running status; should see a minimum of three (3) running containers]
docker images [List all images]
docker logs homeassistant 2>&1 | more
docker logs hassos_supervisor 2>&1 | more
docker logs hassio_dns
docker exec -it -u root -e term=xterm homeassistant /bin/bash [shell]
docker exec -it -u root -e term=xterm homeassistant /bin/bash -c ā€˜netstat -anp | grep tcp | grep LISTENā€™ [validate network port TCP 8123]