VMWare Workstation 14 - VMDK

updated to fusion 11.5.2
other Linux x64 doesn’t exists there anymore. HA VMDK boot hangs with random: crng init done
tried guest OS: linux 4 x64 linux 5 x64 Windows 10 x 64 and ubuntu x64
all hang
any suggestions how to get it to work?

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I have the same problem… Using Workstation 16, the last output is ‘random: crng init done…’

Running Workstation 16 on Ubuntu 20.04, using the VMDK Version 4.13.
I tried with and without conversion of the vmdk, edited the vmx to include firmware = “efi”, guest OS = “Other Linux 5.x and later kernel 64-bit”

Is there anything I am missing?

For VMWare Workstation 15, the only change from https://www.home-assistant.io/hassio/installation/ from the VMWare defaults is to use SATA instead of SCSI for the disk type. I’m not sure why this isn’t in the instructions.

Otherwise I get the same problem as Charghoul… hanging after “crng init done”.