A glaring omission in the Voice PE timer implementation is the lack of ability to display them in HA. There are no entities created in HA for timers… hard to believe, but true. They ONLY run locally on the ESP device itself.
As a busy chef, I use the Alexa voice assistant timer feature literally every day in my kitchen. Not having to touch a device to set a timer multiple times is a game changer. With some custom template sensors, I’ve implemented them for Alexa in an OpenHasp display, but they are also available to view in Lovelace.
Not to derail this, but any idea how the timers currently work? While my PE arrives I tried setting one on my phone and it showed a notification when it was done.
Fully agree it would be much better if we had some way of interacting with them in a standard way. I can easily foresee having to set multiple timers in the kitchen and it would be nice if I didn’t have to stand next to the device that set them to know they are done.
Timers work in different ways on different devices. In ESPHome Voice Assistant, they are entirely local which means they run inside the ESP device and do not communicate with the Home Assistant server. That’s why I created the discussion on GitHub.
Things were going splendidly, transitioning the home to Preview Edition. Until this bump. Wifey wants to be able to keep an eye on her baking timers from the companion app. I’m sure the HA folks will add this but definitely feels like a misstep not having this feature at launch. Voted!
ok, so this is all completely doable! Now it’s just time investment in coding for all timers and HA entities. routines need to be written for create, stop, modify, etc.
I’m NOT a very good programmer, but I can stumble my way through and brute force this stuff. For all our sakes!
Great work @jazzmonger – I’ll probably give the HA folks some time to integrate this natively but for anyone that needs this now, this looks like a great workaround. Do you think this would work for device timers? In other words, if I say “Okay Nabu, turn on the Den lights in 10 minutes”, could timer entities also be created for those situations?
Aha. Very possibly. I cant find them anywhere exposed in HA and they certainly aren’t set on the VPE… I just verified that. Of course they are announced there when executed.