Wake up sunrise simulation with the Philips HUE and Sleep as Android

Hello all! Time to show off a small project I’ve been working on.

I’ve been using a Philips wake up light and love it, really helps me get up in the morning and feel less tired during the day. The Philips wake up light is essentially a big light bulb that slowly fades from red to orange to yellow to white over a timespan of 30 minutes at a set alarm time.

Unfortunately the button interface of the wake up light is rather clumsy and the lack of integrations options made me look for an alternative.

I switched out the wake up light for a standard Philips HUE white + color bulb which I simply put in the regular bedroom lights.

In Home Automation I setup the HUE bridge and made sure the light worked, then added this script:

    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
        xy_color: [0.67,0.39]
        brightness: 1
    - delay:
        seconds: 1
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
        xy_color: [0.65,0.41]
        brightness: 85
        transition: 600
    - delay:
        seconds: 600
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
        xy_color: [0.60,0.40]
        brightness: 170
        transition: 600
    - delay:
        seconds: 600
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
        xy_color: [0.48,0.40]
        brightness: 255
        transition: 600

This script has 4 color states it fades between, currently it takes 600 seconds per state to do a full transition. Be careful with testing, you will have to wait 30 minutes to complete the full script! The colors are defined with the XY color gamut from Philips: https://developers.meethue.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/color.png. I tried to reproduce the colors as close as the original wake up light.

Swap out the “light.hue_color_lamp_1” with a HUE group or the bulb you want to use. In testing I found that 1 bulb is plentiful in brightness for the early mornings. If you use multiple bulbs I suggest only starting the 2nd bulb after 15 minutes.

Here’s a 1 min clip of the 30 minute transition, sped up 32 times.

My primary goal was to integrate the script with the popular Sleep as Android app. This app has native HUE support but the colors weren’t quite to my liking. Any app that supports intents with Tasker can achieve the same functionality.

Now make sure that the Rest API is enabled in your configuration.yaml file:
api_password: yourAPIpassword

Task will be used to communicate with your HA server.

Now we setup a new alarm in Sleep as Android:

  • Open the Sleep as Android and go to settings → integrations → services and enable “Tasker”
  • Create a new alarm, but set the alarm time 24 minutes before you want your chose ringtone to start playing. For example you want to wake up 6:00am, set the alarm for 5:36am.
  • In the alarm settings open the “Gentle volume increase” setting and set it to 24 minutes.
  • Tweak the alarm to your liking and save

The Sleep as Android has pretty poor integration configuration features so we have to use the “Gentle volume increase” as a work around. When the alarm starts it will send an intent to tasker.

Now for tasker:

  • Open tasker and create a new Task called “Sunrise”
  • Add a task of type Net → HTTP Post
  • For Server:Port set it to the IP address of your HA installation including http and the port. For example:
  • For Path set it to: /api/services/script/sunrise?api_password=yourAPIpassword
  • Replace “yourAPIpassword” with the password set in your configuration file and “sunrise” if you named the script differently
  • Save the task
  • Go to Profiles and add a new Event
  • Select the “Intent Received” event
  • Set the action to: com.urbandroid.sleep.alarmclock.ALARM_ALERT_START
  • Set the task to execute to the “Sunrise” task
  • Save and apply

That it! The alarm will trigger at 5:36am, send a POST request to your HA server, which will run the Sunrise script and start up the HUE bulbs transition script. 24 minutes later at 6:00am your set ringtone will sound and you’ll wake up a happy camper!

The HA part is not very complicated but wanted to keep this as a starting point for whoever wants to tinker around with it!


Thanks for this! I was writing a piece of software to replace my Phillips wake up light with an Amazon Alexa and some hue bulbs and these colors were perfect!

Anyone tried this with other brands? Eg ikea

I just tried it with Deconz (group) and Gledopto bulbs, works perfect.
Only issue is that if the light is off (as it use to in the night) the lamp will flash its last state before the new state is set.

If I have the light on blue and dim to 90%, then turn off the light.
Next morning the lights will turn on with blue and 90% dim for like maybe 0,5 sec and then change to brightnes 1 and xy_color: [0.67,0.39]

Idk of anyone have a solution for this?

Setting it to yellow/Red and 1% im the evening right before turning it Off.

yeah, that was what I was thinking as a work-around :wink: If there is no real solution

If you create a scene in the Hue app with the lights at their lowest setting, you can change the first action to call the scene instead of light.turn_on so the lights don’t go to their last setting before following the script. For example:

    - service: hue.hue_activate_scene
        group_name: Bedroom
        scene_name: Sunrise Start
    - delay:
        seconds: 1
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.hue_color_lamp_1
        xy_color: [0.65,0.41]
        brightness: 85
        transition: 600

Edit: just realized you said you weren’t using Hue…well, for anyone that has Hue and has this issue this is the fix.

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Have problems with the UI editor. See here. Not related to the topic, but FYI if someone has the same problem because of three delays. :wink: