Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

I read a few posts about the widgets not refreshing. Has there been a fix or something to implement so the widgets or the dashboard it self refreshes automatically?

the dashboard should Always refreh automaticly.

dont know about your setup but you should have docker or hapush activated.

Rene is correct - the hapush component is responsible for updating the dashboard and has been there form the start. Its possible to get the dashboard up and running but make a mistake with the hapush config and you would end up with non-updating dashboard, but it should work.

on this moment i am trying with debugging. dont know where it comes from but randomly and only once in a blue moon, my dashboard stops updating.
and then only just a part of the dashboard.
my guess is that somewhere/sometimes comes an unexpected value which causes 1 widget to fail and the ones after that fail then also from that moment on.
but because it happens only about 1 or 2 times a day its hard to find.

When you talk about the hapush component are you speaking of hapush.py, hapush.cfg or something else?

hapush.py is the actual python program and hapush.cfg is the configuration file.

if you run hapush.py then it sends the data from HA to the dashboard. (it runs continously)

I guess i’m missing something. How do I run the hapush.py? I was thinking that when you ran dashing start it started everything.

i guess it would help to read the manual :wink:

out of the manual on github:

Running hapush
For a manual installation you can then run hapush from the command line as follows:
$ ./hapush.py hapush.cfg
For docker installs, hapush will be started automatically when you run the startup command.
If all is well, you should start to see hapush responding to events as they occur. For a docker install you should see these messages in hapush/hapush.log
2016-06-19 10:05:59,693 INFO Reading dashboard: /srv/hass/src/hadashboard/dashboards/main.erb
2016-06-19 10:06:12,362 INFO switch.wendy_bedside → state = on, brightness = 50
2016-06-19 10:06:13,334 INFO switch.andrew_bedside → state = on, brightness = 50
2016-06-19 10:06:13,910 INFO script.night → Night
2016-06-19 10:06:13,935 INFO script.night_quiet → Night
2016-06-19 10:06:13,959 INFO script.day → Night
2016-06-19 10:06:13,984 INFO script.evening → Night
2016-06-19 10:06:14,008 INFO input_select.house_mode → Night
2016-06-19 10:06:14,038 INFO script.morning → Night
2016-06-19 10:06:21,624 INFO script.night → Day
2016-06-19 10:06:21,649 INFO script.night_quiet → Day
2016-06-19 10:06:21,674 INFO script.day → Day
2016-06-19 10:06:21,698 INFO script.evening → Day
2016-06-19 10:06:21,724 INFO input_select.house_mode → Day
2016-06-19 10:06:21,748 INFO script.morning → Day
2016-06-19 10:06:31,084 INFO switch.andrew_bedside → state = off, brightness = 30
2016-06-19 10:06:32,501 INFO switch.wendy_bedside → state = off, brightness = 30
2016-06-19 10:06:52,280 INFO sensor.side_multisensor_luminance_25 → 871.0
2016-06-19 10:07:50,574 INFO sensor.side_temp_corrected → 70.7
2016-06-19 10:07:51,478 INFO sensor.side_multisensor_relative_humidity_25 → 52.0

Ok, Making a little more sense.

Since I’m using docker it sounds like when I dashing start, I’m assuming this is the startup command.

I updated my hapush.cfg to below:

and this is what my log looks like. It looks like it’s pulling the data instead of being pushed the data:

Thank you for your help!

hapush is pushing it from ha to dashing, so dashing gets the data.
as soon as you make an action on your dashboard it is posting it to ha.

It works great going from Hadashboard to HASS it’s just when HASS updates the Dashboard doesn’t show until refreshed. Not a huge deal…

Does everything else look ok?

you have to open a second screen and goto the dir hapush
then you type

sudo python3 hapush hapush.cfg

just from that moment on you will get your dashboard updated.

I’m getting a python3 can’t open file hapush error message.


sudo python3 hapush.py hapush.cfg

Getting closer…now i’m getting this error

Is this normal?

seems like you didnt set your password correct in hapush.cfg

I updated the pw for hapush.cfg and now when I run the sudo python3 hapush.py hapush.cfg it just sits there. It doesn’t look like it’s doing anything.

now i am out off ideas where it goes wrong.

i guess you have your ip adress and your password right now.
maybe you could restart everything (including your pi) 1 more time.

maybe something is cashed wrong.

I’ve tried rebooting and still getting the same issue with the sudo python.

When I stop the pythons script I get the following error message:

I’ll keep testing on my end to see if I can find anything.

Thank you for your help

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