Wall Mounted Dashboard (now known as HADashboard)

Makes sense. Thanks.

@aimc where you able to implement anything on the device tracker to pull in the zones in HASS? It would be Nice to have Home, Work and Away.

It is in the latest version - I put it in a couple of months ago.

OK. If I just started using the dashboard is there anything that I need to add on my end? For example, it shows I am away when I am in my zone.work.

It should show the same as the native interface. What are you using for a device tracker?

Iā€™m using the iCloud component.

Iā€™ll have a look but i am traveling on business all week.

@DrJeff Bare with me on this, it is on my end.

@DrJeff please point back to jcreynolds/hadashboard:latest

Itā€™s possible something isnā€™t setup correctly. Iā€™ll keep testing on my end as well.

Were you able to add a thermostat with the ability to increase and decrease the temps? How did you do that?

yes thats what i have.

i have an inputslider in HA which i use to set my thermostat.
and i created an hainputslider widget.

i cant release that one, because you have to alter some core files like hapush.py
but if you really want it i can give you instructions by pm. (but you cant have updates anymore after that without losing this)

as soon as @aimc has a little more time i will ask him to implement that part.

Thank you.


Oops I messed up, I erased my docker and now canā€™t get one bulit. eek!

Tried pointing the docker back but getting this now:

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="HADashboard" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/lib/":"/lib":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/dashboards/":"/dashboards":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/hapush/":"/hapush/":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/widgets/":"/widgets":rw jcreynolds/hadashboard
docker: Error response from daemon: Container command not found or does not exist..

The command failed.

Iā€™m thinking it is the docker file? Maybe? Any Ideas?

Was the camera widget ever implemented. I saw some documentation but couldnā€™t tell if it has been implemented. If not, do I need to just follow https://github.com/grubernaut/camera-widget to get it added? Will this be effected when there is an update to Hadasbhoard?

nop afaik the widged was not implemented yet. Please cirrect me if am wrong! Normally nothing will affect after updatingā€¦ but maybe one thingā€¦ i am not that familiar with docker but u might re bundle after upgradeā€¦ means u take hadasboard source and bundle ā€¦ so i f u already instelles the widget it should be bundled again :slight_smile:
PLEASE CORTRET MEā€¦ i got this theory yesterday but without any knowledge about docker

i dont use docker so i have no idea or somthing would be affected with docker, but with a normal installation all included files would be overwritten, unless they are specificly excluded in the installation.

normally that is done with configurable file. so in this case the config and the dashboards.

in my case i made an inputslider widget and i had to change the hapush file.
that would for sure be overwritten with a next update.

for those who missed it i posted the 3 new widgets i created



and here:

today i created another new widget: halink
with this widget you can directly jump to another website but i didnt make it for that.

i have a whole lot of sensors and switches. and i like to access them. from the mobile, from a few tablets or from my pc.
lets say i want a tablet in my kichen, my livingroom and my bedroom.
standard i like the dashboard for the kitchen to show in the kitchen, the livingroom in the livingroom, etc.
but i also like to be able to acces the livingroom switches from my bedroom.
as it is now i would create 3 dashboards. livingroom, kitchen and bedroom. and on those 3 i would create a second and a third page with the widgets from the other 2 rooms on it.
now i change a widget in the livingroom. then i need to update all 3 dashboards.
think about 10 rooms to manage abd you see that it isnt managable anymore.
with my new halink i can switch between different dashboards. so no second or third pages, but just a second and third dashboard.

hope that help someone else also. i will post the code tomorrow.



/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="HADashboard" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/lib/":"/usr/src/app/lib":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/dashboards/":"/usr/src/app/dashboards":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/hapush/":"/hapush/":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/HA/0_hadashboard/widgets/":"/usr/src/app/widgets":rw jcreynolds/hadashboard

No need to look at this. It was user error. I have it working now.