Wall mounted touchscreen

Just a place where I type in a message to be heard across the speakers. This is already incorporated in the mediaplayers now.

In case anyone is looking for a cheap touchscreen.
Refurbished Amazon Fire 7"

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Any updates about a good tablet for wall mount? Maybe with frontal button to wakeup screen easily? And of course, webview updated for lovelace? No ipad please…

I have a few Amazon Fire 7 tablets I’ve been using. They work great but require some extra work to get rid of the “special offers” (ads) and get Google services installed.

I’m gonna try one of these next. Its basically the same as the Fire 7 but there are no ads to remove and already has Google Play Store installed. I’m hoping this also allows avoid other annoyances I have with Amazon tablets for example not being able to disable the lock screen.


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Ok. Another question. Is there a way to disable password requirement in a tablet mounted? Or set a “long cookies login” like… A year?

When you log in to hass for the first time, it asks if you want to save the auth, if you do so you’ll get what you are asking for.

Have you had a chance to try it? I’m curious. The resolution on that screen concerns me. How’d it all work out?

I haven’t tried the Barns and Noble tablet yet but it is the same resolution as the Amazon Fire 7, which I do have several of. For me the resolution works fine for HA Dashboard but I can easily see wanting a high resolution if I was displaying an advanced Lovelace configuration or really wanted to put a lot on one screen.

A lot of the custom Lovelace cards do not work when using Fully Kiosk with the Amazon Fire Tablets due to Amazon’s version of webview installed on those tablets. If the Barnes and Noble tablets don’t have the same limitation, these could be a good low-cost alternative iyam.

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I have the same problem with Fully Kiosk but the Lovelace cards work on Google Chrome on the Fire 7. I think it’s a Fully Kiosk problem.

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I built in a 10" touchscreen directly in my wall and use chrome in fullscreen mode

I also put a USB extension for the case I’d need it :wink:

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Just finished :white_check_mark:


:ok_hand::crossed_fingers: great work

Hello, I have bought a touchscreen.
I use like you with chrome in full screen.

But I would like after a few minutes the screen turn off, and when I go nea the screen (presence detector zigbee maybe), the screen turn on.

Did you use a similar function or not.

Sorry for my bad english.

@elasgi Nice… that’s great :slight_smile: Well I use an Intel NUC for this dashbard. I know maybe a abit overkill but I have a source eating Dashboard and we can never have anough performance to control Home assistant via Dasboard.

well. If you have Linux to run your dashboard I can recommend an mqtt based switch:

If you run your dashboard on a windows server / pc then I can highly recoomend this nice piece of software


If you need further help let me know. I use IotLINK and it works well… and in addition I have many sensors in Home assistant as well.

Basically I have a Fibaro motion eye (zwave) Motion sensor and some automation to turn off the screen after x time of no motion. But you can use each kind of motion sensors as they will certainly have an Binary sensor as entity in home assistant.

my final work looks like this:



Hi! This is my setup. I have a old chromebox wich i use with this touchscreen (21,5"). Raspberry pi running Home assistant on the other room (because i dont have ethernetport under the screen).

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Hello @thundergreen thx for the informations !

I found a solution !

I’m running a z83F under Windows whith a virtual machine for HA.
I have activate the DRC on my touche screen ans I have install browser mod on home assistant.

After 2min without mouvement (Xiaomi detector).
I activate a black screen with browser mod.

And finaly the DRC option on my touchscreen decrease luminosity because he detect a dark colors.

Sorry for m’y Bad english.

Elegant solution…great idea.fhanks for sharing

Do you have a link to the 21.5" touch screen?