Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

Thanks, good to know the upgrade doesn’t break the root

If someone during ssh connection has error “Permissions for ‘id_rsa’ are too open” the problem is permission of file id_rsa. Simplest way is use InstallTakeOwnership.reg to fix permissions.

Updated my rooted device to 6.4.14. Everything went fine. Root remains working.

Do you have a strange behavior setting the current limit ?

Can I run the pulsar plus with a Eastron SDM630 Modbus V3 mid?

I am asking cause my growatt inverter needs the modbus adress set to be 1 and therefore the SDM630 would get the 2.

AFAIK I would need on the SDM630 and the Growatt a waveshare adapter to convert from rs 485 to rj 45 to connect them via my LAN.

I hope you know about the Pulsar Plus which is described as WLAN and LAN / RJ 45 capable also running modbus tcp tcu.


Hey there.
My wallbox pulsar plus is currently on 6.4.14 and now the app claims that I have a new firmware to be downloanded and when I check the version it says it will be 6.4.19. I can’t find any changelog for this version. Has anyone updated on a rooted wallbox? And what does this fix?

Thanks in advance!

Address 2 is used for the MID meter counter with the Wallboxes. Only one master on each bus so not shure it would be reliable.
There is no configuration to choose the address of the PowerBoost or MID meter.

I had rooted previously on v5.xx. I updated to version 6.4.14 before running the update, and I was able to run the update successfully. Thanks again!

Updated my wallbox to 6.4.19 over the weekend and it didn’t impact the rooting and any other functionality that I can see. This 6.4.19 is still somewhat of a mystery though - can’t find any release notes or mentioning of this so I wonder where my Pulsar Plus picked it up…

Just received the following notice:
Firmware Update:
Current Version: 5.17.87
Latest Version: 6.4.20

This new 6.4.20 charger release includes the following fixes and enhancements for Copper SB:

  1. Now our Energy Management Systems are more robust and provide more feedback when there are problems communicating with the external meter.
  2. We are including two new OCPP features: ChargePointMaxProfiles and Stacking charging Profiles, for companies providing smart charging.
  3. We have fixed an issue that caused the charger to report incorrect values for energy consumption in som
  4. We have improved the under-voltage detection algorithm, which will guarantee a more accurate detection of these issues.
  5. We have fixed an issue that caused chargers with serial numbers greater than 1048575 to not be able to connect to a Power Sharing network.
  6. We have fixed an issue that caused some three-phase chargers to not calculate power properly.
  7. Copper SB is receiving all the improvements the Commander 2 and Pulsar family chargers already received in software release 6.1:
  8. Effortlessly switch back to charging with Eco-Smart or schedules after a manual action with a simple tap of a button. Your charging, your control—made easy!
  9. Enjoy real-time insights on solar charging with a detailed energy mix and selected Eco-Smart mode.
  10. Now the Schedules card on myWallbox App will load a bit faster when connecting to the charger via Bluetooth.
  11. It is now possible to configure Power Boost and Eco-Smart using the myWallbox app when connected to the charger via Cloud.
  12. The configuration flow for 3G/4G connectivity has been improved to provide more feedback during the set-up process.
  13. We have improved the offline software update process including more cybersecurity measures.

Especially the #13 would be interesting for the continuation of the bridge functionality.


Just installed my new Pulsar Pro.
When I turned it on, version 6.1.x was on it.
Restoring also goes back to 6.1.x.
I guess I can’t root the thing then. Or is there a way to root v6?

When i try to root it gets to Pwnware was received by Wallbox and then fails

thank you for that. It is great. It’s works great but do you know if there is a way to have the household power also in addition to voltage and current ?

Add template sensors that multiply voltage and current per phase and another template sensor that sums the phases. e.g.

  - sensor:
    - name: micro2wallbox watt l1
      unique_id: micro2wallbox_watt_l1
      state: "{{ states('sensor.micro2wallbox_current_amp_l1') | float * states('sensor.micro2wallbox_voltage_l1') | float }}"
      device_class: "power"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      state_class: "measurement"

I upgraded my Copper SB from 5.18.87 to 6.4.20
SSH still works
MQTT still works

1 Like

thank you but it give VA and not watt. I already have VA from my home counter but I’d like to get the WATT. I already sniff the modbus message and I know the watt are sent from the powermeter to the wallbox. It should be somewhere already and I’d like to get it as fast as Voltage and current

Out of curiosity, what do you need this for?

@jagheterfredrik there is a problem, the status remains fixed on “ready” even though it is charging so I can no longer control it. Maybe it depends on the 2024.5.0 update because it had never had this problem before.

Did you restart the wallbox? On 2024.05 as well, no issues.

Sure, I restarted everything but I resolved nothing.

Can you still control it via the WB app? To rule out hardware issues?