Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

Thanks for your information about this tricky part about the firmware version!

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If you canā€™t root. You can install a compatible meter with modbus RTU and use the official dynamic load management.

PSA: If you have gained root access, do not update to firmware v6.6.

You wonā€™t lose root access but the mqtt-bridge will stop functioning properly. All the sensors that rely on redis will stop working. After the update redis only has a few keys of type string. And the internal MQTT doesnā€™t have any topics related to the power meter readings that I was relying on. I had to restore to factory settings which I think was v5.1 something. Unfortunately at that old version it couldnā€™t recognize my power meter. The app offered me to update to v6.6 something. I selected it but luckily it only updated to v6.1 something. I left it at that since everything works fine now. If v6.6+ is ever forced we will have to change the code to subscribe to redis channels instead of reading from keys. I could still see the information there.


I noticed there is an update 6.6.12 for the Copper SB, but Iā€™m not able to find the full release note.
Iā€™m curious to know if 1 phase charging is now possible.

It doesnā€™t show up on mine (6.6.12). As soon as the update is available Iā€™ll test.

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it doesnā€™t show up on mine either (yet), but the wallbox website shows an update:
Copper SB - Wallbox Help Center

Has anyone successfully set up a ā€˜rolling sumā€™ for the Added Energy sensor?

In my off-grid setup this short term analysis would be very handy to track to roughly know when I should be using expensive public chargers while Iā€™m out about before I make my way home.

I attempted to use the Statistics helper (with sum) with a new sensor used to ping the Added Energy sensor under specific triggers, but Iā€™m struggling to find a trigger that would suffice. As Added Energy resets upon device Unlock I thought I could add a sensor with a trigger to grab the Added Energy value once unplugged/locked, but of course the charger is always locked when it is charging the car so it is constantly adding up the Added Energy sensor resulting in huge false numbers. I thought I would then try use the status description sensor as that goes from unlock to charging/paused, but of course the only trigger options for status description are unavailable or unknown.

Any ideas?

It should be available now :wink: I guess.

Copper SB ā€“ Softwareversie 6.6.12 De oplader is nu compatibel met Mifare Ultralight RFID-kaarten. Functionaliteit toegevoegd voor het configureren vanā€¦

Still no update available on mines

Updated my Copper SB which is not rooted with 6.6.12. And nothing new in the settings under solar.

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thank you for the update!
I guess single phase charging will not be possible for the Copper SB when powered by 3 phases.

Is there a way to get the Pulsar Plus ā€œchargingā€ figures directly into HA ?

I do not mean the ā€œlast charge figureā€, rather the total counter we can also see in the app and portal

Here are the sensors which I have gotten from the Wallbox Integration and only 1 is about kWh charged with a quite weird german description
the sensors name is ā€œadditional energyā€ and seem to mean the amount of energy charged last time . That is crap.

I want a total counter to build daily / weeky monthly consumption helpers.
Its frustrating to have took into the app or cloud to check the consumption figures manually

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I asked essentially the same thing a few posts up. Trying to make my own by using this same sensor but unfortunately getting nowhere. Take a look at my post and see if you get any ideas.

I was hoping that I had been blind and that there might be a sensor hidden under a different name or identity.

In case there is no such sensor - which is really a shame that the box is not reporting the current state of the counter - the easiest way would be in my opinion to do the usual stuff:

You use the riemann Sum Integral.
No need for a trigger in my opinon cause that counter would run endlessly.
You could add helpers like
Pulsar charges - 1 today
Pulsar charges - 2 week
Pulsar charges - 3 month
Pulsar charges - 4 year

which reset each time. I use the 1 2 3 4 to have all counters together and always in the same order fro day to year and have the best readability
If you would use 1 Pulsar charged then all the 1 helpers / counters would stay on top so it needs a chacteristic of what is measured before the differentiation starts in this case by time with 1 today and then 2 week ā€¦

Easiest way in my opinion cause the helper is doing everying in my opinion and will count each time the sensor measures power figure >0 W over time.

Of cause this is not a usual counter but a consumption counter - hopefully that is the right term cause it is a literal translation from german.

I was looking into something exactly the same but I had no idea what a Riemann sum was so quickly put it on the back burner :smiley:

I will look into everything youā€™ve said and try my best.

Thanks so much for the information.

I agree that it should be easier!

Through MQTT I use the sensor cumulative added energy of my (rooted) Wallbox.

the Riemann sum integration is mathematical reference to calculate the energy used.

Energy is Power x time

simplified you turn your 30 W osram light bulb on for 1 hours
30 W x 1 h = 30 Wh energy used

After that hour time for the 2nd bulb, a 15 W one to be turned on for 1 h
in that 2nd hour
(30W + 15 W ) x 1h = 45 W x 1h = 45 Wh

In total you would have spent 75 Wh.
Here is such graph for 1hour usage of 32 W and at 6 am maybe 50W

The task of the rieman sum integral is to calculate the area of these bars. In this example they are easy to calculate cause the power is drawn always for 1 hour.

The Riemann Sum Integral now calculating each bar for every hours and the Sum is doing the sum over all these hours - an endless counter once you have started like the odometer in your car.

The Real World is different, cause the time span of such devices to be turned on is for seconds or minutes and maybe hours, not just always 1 hour long. Your provider energy meter does count these tiny jumps of power you draw more or less by using devices for each second.

 454 W  according the Powermeter of your home
 409 W after 60 seconds you turned of both bulbs therefore 45 W less
2409 W after 120 second your wife had turned on the kettle
2609 W after 240 seconds the fridge had started the compressor
   0 W 300 seconds later cause evryting is turned off and you start your holiday

Now you might ask for the amount of energy used ?

454 W for 60 Seconds has to be transformed in Wh = Watthours.
You had used 454 W for 60 seconds of an 3600 seconds long hours which equals

454W x 60 / 3600 h which is 1 / 60 h
454 W x 1 / 60 h = 454 / 60 Wh = 7 Wh roughly

And then you ran the 409 W for 120 seconds
409 W x 120 / 3600 h = 409 Wh x 2 / 60 = 409 Wh x 1 / 30 = 13 Wh

And if you do that for every second then you would get 3600 of such bars in the graph above for the consumption and the riemann sum integral is adding those up

for example here for the first 3 minutes = 180 seconds 7 + 13 = 20 Wh

This is the job of the riemann sum integral and that only works if you have a proper configured power sensor. Only then you will get as a result of the helper configuration a real energy sensor. The energy board works only with energy sensors and not with power. It will prompt you with an error or warning cause I had such issue yesterday.

Go to helper
then choose ā€œintegralā€
and you will get such input form

I want to calculate the energy which I have fed into the grid. I have a sensor tibber_watt_meter which shows only the current amount of power fed into the grid. Over the time this helper will count the Watts x time or Watthours used which is energy, hence the name solapower surplus energy for the new sensor = which in your case would be the Pulsar Plus consumption.
Then you choose k for kilowatthours you want to count.
then the time is counted in hours = stunden in german
and finally the input = PowerSensor is the tibber watt meter.

Last choice is the left Riemann sum - you can choose also right, makes not a big difference in usual cases.

and finally you want to 2 decimals or may be 3 which would mean 3,333 kWh or 3333 Wh instead of 3,33.

Now you have created a counter that is tracking the power usage of the pulsar plus over time aka an energy meter which will never be resetted.

And then it will be time to create the 4 consumption counters which you usually wanna have acess to: day, week, month and year
Each one is a separate counter and you choose when to reset that like daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Assuming your amount of energymeters will increase over time be carefull and develope a naming scheme.

Do you wanna have all these counters be called energymeter ?
I doubt, cause for every such meter you will create 5 helpers and with 10 devices tracked you will have an endless list of 50 sensors all called energyemter.

Therefore use a term that will last like

wallbox_meter_0_counter = the riemann sum integral endless counter

and based on that these 4 sub counters


Donā€™t be a fool to not use the week. A month is too long to check and compare developing data over the season of a year. I started without the weekly meter and learned the hard way. Why ?
If you start wrong you have to rename every sensor cause I had started with 1 day, 2 month and 3 year ā€¦ no space for a counter each week.

Good luck

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Just use the ha energy dashboard. The built in kWh sensor works perfectly fine and can be added to the energy dashboard.

Hi lostOzoneI. Just noticed your response: Copper SB which is not rooted with 6.6.12.
You reverted to non-root ?
I was wondering if the mqtt-bridge would still be operational. :wink:

Hi GrantK,

Could you please share your code with me?