Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

The protocol on EV AC charging is 6A minimal per phase.

For info;

2 load picture of the 3 phase system;
One pictue with the total power consumption showing 3 phases

  • 1 phase with 2kw peaks from where the car is charing (it has 4kw to the car and -2kw from solar)
  • 1 phase with -2kw from solar
  • 1 phase almost zero on the phase with litle consumption

One picture with the wallbox charging.

  • showing one phase upto 4kw and 2 phase without power use.

Edit; and the gap in the car charging is the washing machine working. You dont see it in the other graph as the wallbox is reducing the load (and the washing machine is on the same phase as the car)

youā€™re right! just read the release note for version 6.6.6 (Pulsar Pro and ABL Pulsar).
switching from 3-phase to 1 is now a feature.
Thatā€™s great news!
hope it will come for the other models too, itā€™s what many of us were waiting for.

Sounds awesome. Hope it will become available to the plus version as well. Can you turn it on/off over wifi / the cloud or does it only work on bluetooth?

Turn off/on via the app and i guess from the websiteā€¦ no bluetooth connection needed -pulsar pro.

But indeed; now that this works, how to switch this off and on from HA?

Edit; didnt find the solar charging settings on the websiten

Have someone find a way to change the scheduling times of Wallbox through Home Assist YAML code? I would like to send the comando of On/off times to Wallbox through scheduling instead of the On/off command (because I cand keep trying sending the schedule times if I have a temporary internet problem, instead of sending a one time command to turn on or off).

I use a schedule made in HA instead of the app schedule.
did it with helpers input_datetime and an input_boolean to activate/deactivate the schedule.
very basic, but it does the job.

I would like to interact directly with Wallbox schedule table so that if, in the exact momento of the command I have a connectivity issue, the Wallbox would start or stop automatedly. I use this metod with Shelly without failure (so far) and would like to do the same on Wallbox. Itā€™s like decentralizing the intelligence core. I tell the Wallbox to do something within some hour from know and it will do it even if I donā€™t have connecting with it at that time.

@corceiro - MQTT is local control, so your internet doesnā€™t need to be connected for MQTT to work. You just need your LAN to always be working. Shelly devices must also have a working LAN connection, so their local IP addresses are accessible.

I know that @GrantK, I didnā€™t mention Internet, but only connectivity. I have the Wallbox in the garage and I live in a apartment on the 2nd floor of the building (garage on the -2). The Lan connection to my garage is made through a powerline device which is not that reliable.

I preferred to be able to rewrite the schedule (has I do on Shelly) and keep rewriting if I encounter some error instead of sending a one time command and find out, next morning, that my car didnā€™t charge.

Even so, by the responses Iā€™m getting and what I already searched for, it seams that itā€™s not possible to do that like I did on my last layout with a Shelly controlling the charges (Shelly API allow to change the schedule table).

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Thuis didnā€™t work.
Tried everythingā€¦

Anyone managed to get the wallbox-ble integration working sucessfully ?

I have been having a lot of latency and timing issues with the cloud integration.

Tried setting up the wallbox-ble, have a bluetooth proxy literally 1m away, but the wallbox seems to keep loosing connection to it. It works for a short while but then drops.
Not sure if thereā€™s an ideal config for the BLE proxy?

I connected first to mine using Bluetooth on my phone then the one I have, pulsar max just had options to connect to wifi.
Connected straight away -admittedly I have unify ap boxes all over the house and outside
I can now use ha to send start stop signals as soon as I get clever enough with my automation to link it to my price points from Amber and solar excess info from my inverter.

Same issues, it can only maintain one connection and if it drops restarting the integration is the only option to reconnect. Note though itā€™s a very basic integration which is no longer being developed. Instead focus is on the rooting software which allows to circumvent the cloud via WiFi - I have this running for months and it works very well.

Hello everyone,

I have a 15 kVA connection circuit breaker. In winter, when I plug in my electric car while using the heating system, there is a risk of tripping the breaker unless I upgrade to a 36 kVA subscription, which would result in an additional cost of ā‚¬273 per year.

Proposed Solution:
The idea is to detect if the car is connected and ready to be charged, but delay the start of charging. Upon detecting a car connected to the charging station, my heating system would be paused. If the heating is paused, a charging authorization would be sent to the charging station. Once the charging is completed, no further charging would be allowed until the cable is disconnected. After the charge is finished, the heating pause would be lifted.

Do you know if this could work and meet my requirements using the Wallbox Plus and this MQTT-Bridge:
GitHub - jagheterfredrik/wallbox-mqtt-bridge: MQTT Bridge enables fully local, cloud-free, control of your Wallbox Pulsar Plus and Copper SB ?

If you can control your heating through home assistant then yes. I do wonder if you really enjoy a charged car more than heating in the winter though. Another option is to simply reduce the charging speed so that both can run simultaneously.

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@Hyacinthe - First you need to check the version of firmware that your Wallbox Pulsar Plus is running. If itā€™s v6.x.x, the MQTT Bridge cannot be installed, but you may be able to restore to v5.x.x using Factory Reset. If you donā€™t have v5.x.x firmware available, MQTT Bridge is not going to work for you. Check the firmware version using the app, or My Wallbox Portal.

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I monitor my home consumption and start/pause charging or let the charge current go up or down automatically.
I start the charge always with 6A.

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