šŸ–¼ļø WallPanel Addon - Wall panel mode for your Home Assistant Dashboards

Would be so nice if someone made a youtube tutorial with the basics and how to get started

it would be nice if this would be a core feature combined with Fully Kiosk Browser. The cards shown on the screensaver is very nice. adding a URL or Folder to FKB screensaver is not the same.

not to get ahead, a brightness setting for wallpanel would also be a +1

Hi all, I think I need an helpā€¦ I have the current configuration for wallpanel on a dashboard for a tablet with a resolution of 1200x800px

  enabled: true
  idle_time: 10
  keep_screen_on_time: 900
  stop_screensaver_on_mouse_move: false
  stop_screensaver_on_location_change: false
  touch_zone_size_next_image: 0
  touch_zone_size_previous_image: 0
  image_order: random
  image_list_update_interval: 3600
  image_url: https://source.unsplash.com/random/${800}x${1280}?animals,nature
  image_fit: fill
      width: 100%
      height: 100%
      width: 100%
    - type: custom:layout-card
      layout: vertical
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:button-card
              entity: sensor.temperatura_openspace_temperature
              name: Interno
              show_state: true
              action: none
                  - background-color: rgba(46, 51, 58, 0.2)
                  - grid-template-areas: '"n i" "s s"'
                  - grid-template-rows: 30% 1fr
                  - grid-template-columns: 1fr 30%
                  - font-size: 110px
            - type: custom:button-card
              entity: sensor.broadlink_salotto_umidita
              name: UmiditĆ 
              show_state: true
              action: none
                  - background-color: rgba(46, 51, 58, 0.2)
                  - grid-template-areas: '"n i" "s s"'
                  - grid-template-rows: 30% 1fr
                  - grid-template-columns: 1fr 30%
                  - font-size: 110px
            - type: custom:button-card
              entity: sensor.shelly_flood_temperature
              name: Esterno
              show_state: true
              action: none
                  - background-color: rgba(46, 51, 58, 0.2)
                  - grid-template-areas: '"n i" "s s"'
                  - grid-template-rows: 30% 1fr
                  - grid-template-columns: 1fr 30%
                  - font-size: 110px
        - type: sensor
          graph: line
          entity: sensor.consumo_energia_istantaneo
          name: Consumo corrente
          detail: 2
          hours_to_show: 12
        - type: custom:button-card
          show_state: true
          show_name: false
          show_icon: false
          entity: sensor.time
          action: none
              - grid-template-areas: '"s"'
              - grid-template-rows: 1fr
              - grid-template-columns: 1fr

The problem is that all the dashboard is compressed on a side of the dasboard as on the screenshot belowā€¦ What am I making wrong?
Also, is there a way to make the background image change when the screen turn on, or every time the wallpanel start?

Iā€™m having an issue with Dwians Dashboard showing the bottom menu (Home, Devices, and More) on top of the WallPanel pictures. I canā€™t for the life of me find out how to get rid of it! Do you have this? It only happens for me on Dwains Dashboard versions above v3.4.3.

Ask dwain?

I have in his thread a while back. Bumped it yesterday and he asked me to clarify the menu I meant Iā€™m hoping he comes back to me today.

somethings with z-index?

It could be Iā€™m just unsure how I should go about ensuring WallPanel is stacked above the menu.

hey guys, implemented a nice dash based on Fusion on my Fire HD 10 (Fully kiosk), but now i would like to open camera full screen when somebody ring the bellā€¦ any hints on where to code this??

Maybe something like this.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-pop-up
    card_type: pop-up
    name: Voordeur
    icon: lucide:cctv
    auto_close: '10000'
    back_open: true
    margin: 7px
    is_sidebar_hidden: true
    bg_opacity: 65
    bg_color: '#333'
    trigger_entity: binary_sensor.deurbel_visitor
    trigger_state: 'on'
    trigger_close: true
    state: binary_sensor.deurbel_motion
    hash: '#cctv'
  - square: false
    type: grid
      - type: custom:frigate-card
          - camera_entity: camera.deurbel_sub
            live_provider: auto
          default: live
          camera_select: live
          dark_mode: auto
    columns: 1
  grid-area: right2

Hidde, thanks for your suggested code, gonna try to make it work, not using the frigate card yet, so need to install that at least and besides that; the fusion dash doesnt use grid positions from what i understandā€¦??

Hi everyone,
is there a way to control the wallpanel individually for each device?
I installed ā€˜Browser modā€™ but I didnā€™t succeed in my aim.
In practice I use three devices: PC, tablet, smartphone and I would like to have 3 switches on lovelace with which to activate or not the wallpanel on the relevant devices (on the smartphone it would practically always be deactivated but it would be useful to activate it if necessary on the PC or deactivate it on the tablet)

I tried this way:

      enabled: true
      enabled: false
      enabled: false

And I created related input_boolean but it doesnā€™t work

Iā€™m looking to do the same thing. Iā€™d like to enable Wallpanel for my tablet device, but not for any others.

I use the username option and have different users for different PADs.
Although you can also decide whether you want a dashboard visible or not by device because the sidebar options is stored by device on the device, not the user.

So like:

  enabled: false

Disables the wallpanel in general so only the ā€œPadā€ user (or users) see the wallpanel and I control the screen options differently depending on which panel (like the bedroom has a big clock only and the living room one has weather and clock, etc.)

hi there !
iā€™m struggling with a simple thing :
i want the second column cards to fit the size of the card itself, and not the height of the card that is on the same row!
how can i do that ?

OK, found a solution myself :
i just add a border: 1px red solid, to see how the cards alignā€¦

i simply play with the margin-top: -150px for the second row, and its ok for fixed height cards, but not the best solution for cards that have variable height !

Wonderful addon. Thanks so much.
This isnā€™t really a question for wallpanel, but does anyone know a way to exclude people from the unsplash screensaver? Like is there a tag I could add. My tags for the current season work really well, but I donā€™t want people in my screensaver.
Currently, I use this url:
Note: I added the quotes to stop it from displaying the actual website.

Thanks so much

You can control the screensaver from the current login, not sure this answers you needs.

  enabled: false
      enabled: true
      .... more here ....
      enabled: true
      .... more here ....

But I do not see how this solves the problem as you typically are not logging out/in but only going to a screensaver

Thanks for responding so quickly, but I guess I wasnā€™t clear with my question. I want to see pics of spring and flowers and such, but I donā€™t want to see a human holding a flower. So Iā€™d like to filter out photos of humans.
Small quibble, I know.

Hi there, can somebody help me get this addon working?
I just put in a minimal config into raw config editor.
enabled: true
then I opened the url to my dashboard in firefox (http://x.x.x.x:8123/lovelace/0).
I see the dashboard but no screensaver turns on. What do I need to change?