WallPanel for Android Redux

I just installed WallPanel (V0.9.5 b6) and I have the same problems: after entering the login and password in HA login page, I have a blank page. After the refresh,I see the login page again :frowning: what can be fixed here?. I have Samsung Galaxy G3 Android 5.1.1

I haven’t been able to fix that yet. If I find a solution I will let you know. Please do the same if you do.


Unfortunately, as Home Assistant Lovelace becomes more complex, it’s less compatible with the Android WebView component (not Chrome) that is used by Android applications. You can try to load a different page, less complex dashboard, or use something like Tileboard to render the dashboard. There is no fix that can address this issue, it depends on the web page you use and the devices WebView support.

HADashboard works well on older browsers.


Unfortunately, WallPanel works fine with android 8.1 version and and higher :frowning: For older versions, you need to create a separate dashboard.

I tried https://github.com/resoai/TileBoard for this - it worked :slight_smile:


Hi i use Wallpanell with my Huawei Mediapad T3 10" (android 7). Sometimes i have problems when i arrive back to home wallpanel is closed and i need to start that again. After that everything works ok normally 12-36h after that same thing, need start wallpanel again.

Any tips or tricks how i get that working better?

Like @lassivv I also have WallPanel randomly closing from time to time. It doesn’t happen very often, maybe once every month, so it’s not really a big deal. Lenovo Tab M7 with Android 9 here, running Tileboard. Besides that, it works great !

It is really hard to say what could be closing the app. Usually when it works for long periods of time the closes, it’s related to app performance or network related.

The app could be out if memory and the system will shut the app down. It could be something with MQTT and connecting to the server fails.

You may be able to run tasker to launch the app again if it closes. I would also be sure the app is always the foreground app using a screensaver, there is one built in.

But that’s Avo all I have.

I have the same issue. It used to run fine (a year or so ago), but lately it will not run longer than a few hours to max a day :frowning: I’m using the latest beta with new MQTT client (correct?).

I tried a lot. Running it as home app/launcher. Pinning it. Running it as full screen, etc.
I think I have all permissions set, although I can’t set “Display over other apps” for this app.

It might be google play notifying about any app update (which I haven’t set to auto update)?

The only reason why I’m still using this app over the standard companion app is that the command_screen_on notification just doesn’t work consistently in the companion app and using tasker and autoremote is also unreliable. The screen on REST API of this app is the best, but of course also breaks when the app crashes :frowning:

What event should I configure in tasker to trigger it to restart the app?

Oops sorry, I wasn’t on v0.9.6-beta.0 yet, since that can only be side-loaded. I just did that. Let’s see if it fixes stuff.

Update: No difference with v0.9.6-beta.0, the app still crashes :frowning:

Wallpanel application had a new maintainer and location (GitHub - thecowan/wallpanel-android: WallPanel is an Android application for Web Based Dashboards and Home Automation Platforms), but the new maintainer hasn’t shown much interest in supporting the application or community. I am once again looking for a new maintainer for Wall Panel app if anyone is interested and also has the time and skills to maintain this Android project.


Hi, I have two teclast p80 and p80h tablets. Both configured the same way (let say for 99%). Motion detection is Set to Front camera and same settings. When I go to test tab, both are showing motion detection. Later when their screens are both off, only one is waking up, the other is not. What can be the reason? Maybe anyone has an idea what a setting I forgot to set on one of the tablets? Thank you in advance!

I’m curious if there are any news as it is, Indeed much easier and faster than “fully kiosk”.
For me, it “loose” internet every day. The app warns there’s no connectivity (while the tablet has). A shut down of the app and restarts makes it worth again…

Try “WallPanel”. It’s made in a way that replaces Android’s home screen. I find it somewhat easier on CPU than Fully Kiosk. It also hase movement detection, like Fully.


Does anyone know if it’s possible to show a Google Photo’s album as a web screensaver?
If so, how ? :grinning:

You’re commenting saying to use WallPanel in the thread for WallPanel :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m a software developer with 15 years professional experience, but don’t have any experience with Android development. I can’t pick this up for full-time maintenance, but would you accept pull requests to fix bugs?

Have you considered creating a GitHub org so you can add/remove maintainers as they come and go, rather than transferring the repo to one single developer?

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You could fork the repo.

WallPanel has a new maintainer and repository location.

Please follow the project at its new Github location.


Is there a reason the repo is a brand new one rather than moved from the old location (or forked from it)? It doesn’t have any of the stars of the old one :frowning:
Would you consider moving the repo to a GitHub organization rather than passing it from maintainer to maintainer?

I considered it, but I don’t really have time to maintain my own fork. I do want to try and get the face detection working on Amazon Fire tablets at some point though.

The project was located to a new maintainer and transferred fully to that maintainer. However that maintainer totally abandoned the project and did not respond when I asked to return the project.

So we moved the entire project to a new repository and maintainer, breaking the connection to the previous project. We do not want to be dependent on the previous repository.

I’d you have some suggestions or want to contribute to the project rather than creat your own fork, post an issue on the new project site.