Warema WMS Integration

You need to start it and check the logs, there you get the instructions. But first you need to select the stick in the config and save.

Hi fisch, first of all thank you for this add-on. It works like a charme. The only issue I had was, that the stick must be very close to the Warema units.
Iā€™ve just seen you made an update yesterday. Could you share the change log with us?


Hi, thxā€¦. changed only Warema weatherstation from lm to lx. Nothing more ā€¦ā€¦Greetz

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I have the Warema WMS Stick and want to use it with this add-on to control my two Warema WMS awnings.
My problem is that I donā€™t have the Key and PAN ID yet, so I canā€™t connect itā€¦
How could I get these values?

In the Warema WMS studio pro, these are never displayed, and to use the WMS toolkit, I would need the project file which I either never got or Iā€™ve lost it (our awnings are nearly 10 years old nowā€¦).
I got some values displayed in the WMS toolkit, but those are simply PANID as PAN ID and Key1 as Key, which is unfortunately too simple to be true and these credentials also donā€™t work in the Add-on.

Best regards

I also have the problem that my HA server is too far away from my awnings for the stick to connect, so could I use my spare RPI3, connect the stick to it and pass the stick through to my HA host (an RPI4 with HAOS) that is further away, and if yes, how?

Gettong these errors when I control the blimdsā€¦ i receive the blind positions every now and then while moving but everything is far from relible exept full open and close. I canā€˜t set it to 50%. It either opens or closes completelyā€¦ i am at a point where i woule pay for a nice working adeon addonā€¦ i saw that the npm package was updates 4 month ago in a 2.0 versionā€¦ maybe this could bring some improvement? #fingerscrossed

Since the recent OS update Iā€™m facing an issue with the add-on.
It was working like a treat for at least a year but Iā€™m not getting the add-on to start properly. The logs are not making any sense to me. Can someone point me in any direction?

It looks like there is some issue with the angle property. Iā€™m only using awnings, so I could potentially remove angle from the code but I wonder how and why this is suddenly not working anymore as the same code did work for about a year until recentlyā€¦

The EWFS protocol can be recorded from your current remote control and replayed with a BroadLink RM4pro universal IP remote controller for which an Integration into Home Assistant exists.

Iā€˜ve done this successfully for OpenHab but this approach should work for Home Assistant as well.

I have a stick and a warema handheld.

I do all steps and I see the stick scanned als othe waving and hello option. Unfortunately then I get a quick timeout and I do not see the login information.

What is wrong ?

Just FYI in case someone is looking for a way to integrate via the WMS WebControl pro: Warema WMS WebControl PRO integration - #9 by mback2k

Hi everyone,

Iā€™m having trouble getting my warema bridge setup to work with my external MQTT server, which is on a different machine but within the same network. I am not using the Mosquitto MQTT Home Assistant add-on.
To troubleshoot, I temporarily installed the Home Assistant MQTT add-on to discover the PAN ID and key, which worked well. However, now that I want to use my regular MQTT server for production, Iā€™m running into issues.

Hereā€™s my current configuration.yaml:

wms_serial_port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AU0JZKRB-if00-port0
wms_pan_id: BD45
wms_key: XYZXYZXY1811A4C2BE534519XYZXYZXY
wms_channel: 17
mqtt_user: ha
mqtt_password: mypw

However, in the logs, Iā€™m seeing the following:

[10:03:16] INFO: Setting WMS_SERIAL_PORT to /dev/ttyUSB0
[10:03:16] INFO: MQTT available, fetching server detail ...
[10:03:16] INFO: MQTT server settings not configured, attempting auto-discovery...
[10:03:16] INFO: Configuring 'mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883' mqtt server
[10:03:16] INFO: MQTT credentials not configured, attempting auto-discovery...
[10:03:16] INFO: Configuring 'addons' mqtt user
MQTT Error: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND core-mosquitto
MQTT Error: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND core-mosquitto

It seems like the system is still trying to connect to core-mosquitto even though Iā€™ve specified my own MQTT server. Iā€™ve tried using the add-ons from @giannello and @santam , but both resulted in the same issue.
Can anyone point out what I might be doing wrong? Any hints or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

I wanted to share that Iā€™ve found a solution to the issue I was having with my own MQTT server on another machine. Initially, I was unable to get the MQTT settings to work correctly, and the server wasnā€™t being detected properly. The root cause seemed to be that the MQTT settings were not appearing in the add-onā€™s UI, which made it difficult to configure them correctly.

After some troubleshooting with the help of ChatGPT, I decided to fork the original repository and make some adjustments to the config.json file. By modifying the schema section in config.json, I was able to include the MQTT settings in the UI, allowing the server to be found and configured correctly. This change solved the problem, and the add-on now works as expected!

@giannello / @santam , if youā€™re interested, Iā€™d be happy to merge these changes back into your existing repositorys so others can benefit from this fix.