WarmMe Intergration (Tuya?)

Ah, you’re in

Product > Device Details

but you should be in

Cloud > API Explorer (popup which leads to https://iot.tuya.com/cloud/explorer)

edit: don’t forget to change the region to where your device is in. (I’m guessing Europe)

And yet another update:

HomeAssistant now has the ability to use TuyaV2, an integration developed by the Tuya team.
Fair warning: you need to create a new project in Tuya IOT cloud, as projects created before July2021 are not compatible. Took me too long to realise.
I’ve not had the chance to link my device to the new project, but I expect this integration to deliver full compatibility :slight_smile:

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Okay, so. The tuyav2 addon works for me and my warrme. I’ve had the localtuya addon working as well, but had to use more complex setup to be honest. I did achieve some control, but not all.

The connection isn’t local with tuyav2, but to my understanding it’s going to be supported in the future.


HI Sam,

Thanks for keeping this topic alive and sharing your findings. Looking forward to the full integration!

@SamJongenelen Have you heard anything about how this will be in beta for? Not sure whether to go through this process or just wait for the production release.

@HoundDog well, no. Im guessing it’s gonna be beta for a very long time so I wouldn’t wait, unless you really want it to be local only.

I just yester saw a pr for the localtuya climate platform, which should easy setup

Maybe I will try localtuya. I only have floor heating on tuya - no lights or anything.

Yeah me as well, as said, localtuya should work door you

Also have this working now with the tuyav2 addon.

I set up TuyaV2 beta tonight. I can see the entities and get the temperature information, I can change the target temperature and this is synced with the device. But there is no ability to turn them off and on via Home Assistant. The status is always displayed as off. Am I missing something?

When I look at the entity attributes on the developer page, it has supported_features:1

My air conditioner has 9 supported features - relevant?

Has anyone tried the new official Tuya integration with Warmme thermostats yet?

I just added the official Tuya integration. The thermostat is recognized instantly. However, the state of the device is not updating. Haven’t checked logs.

update: temperature measurement did work, its just not instant. I did not see the state update yet.

Btw I opened this on a localtuya fork for climate devices https://github.com/make-all/tuya-local/issues/54

I have something working with this now but I had to go a long way (in my mind) to achieve it.
Using TuyaV2 on HACS, I can see the device and set the target temperature, but I couldn’t turn it on/off.
Using Tuya Local, I could set it up as a switch but couldn’t see the sensors or set the target temp.
So I set up both and created a generic thermostat in configuration yaml that uses both of these entities to create a new climate device.

  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: BR Floor
    heater: switch.band_room_floor_heat
    target_sensor: sensor.ty06612xxxxxxxxxxxx
    min_temp: 10
    max_temp: 25
    ac_mode: false
    target_temp: 17
    initial_hvac_mode: "off"
    precision: 1

The official Tuya “may” work but I’ve been struggling to get it set up for various reasons. (And what I have above is probably better as at least the on/off switch is local).

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Alright, this repo now supports our device! I got it working

That’s great news @SamJongenelen. Did you take note of how you mapped all the attributes?

What do you mean? In the repo there is a file for our device which maps our device.
This localtuya fork version auto discoveres the device based on the productId. So no more mapping

@SamJongenelen Tried the Tuya-local custom repository but didn’t work for mine. Turns out my device is different to yours all along. I’ve gone back to local-tuya and Generic Thermostat as I figured out how to access the other sensors. Works OK but the target temp only syncs one way with the device. If you change it on the device it doesn’t sync back to HA. Good enough.

Here is mine:

Indeed mine is a lot different indeed. If you make a bug on tbe repo he might implement your device if you want.

I just installed my floor heating and am now trying to add this C16 thermostat to home assistant. The device is being recognised with local tuya, but not as a thermostat. The only device types I can select is:


Did anyone have the same issue and overcome it? The product idea the Tuya IOT API outputs is jIRwsT5yLPJO41Po, so one would expect the device should be recognised as C16.

Yeah thats same as mine. Try the github repo for support