[WARN] Home Assistant CLI is not running! Jump into emergency console…

Thanks , glad someone understood, worked for me too

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to install HA on Pi3 and I have the problem “Home Assistant CLI not stating! Jump into emergency console” even though I restarted my Pi 3 the exact problem. Did you have the same problem? (Ps: I’m on the latest version)

Just type login

i tried “login” but it says the same thing over and over

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How long do you wait to try it? It may take some time to be ready

I know this an old post, I had this emergency console thing, driving me crazy. Here I was the Alexander Dumass, lol, I had access control on in my router. SMH😆

I had a power outage and have been running into this issue ever since. Cant get the raspberry pi 4 booting past this message. login command does not help. Anything else I can try?

I get this msg almost every reboot, but it still works. I can go to IP:8123 no problems

I tried with a fresh install on a different SD card and it is able to boot and gives me an option to start from a backup which I dont have. Is there a way to copy things from old SD card to this new one and get around this error? Or any other ways to recover the old SD card with CLI issues?

So You install a fresh, which are working, and then you want to copy “things” from the one that didn’t work … Be Carefull which “Things” you copy over :wink:

Yes you can Copy Most from the /Homeassistant Folder

But as you/noone knows why you got a corrupt Installation ( But most likely disk/file corruptions )

I would Suggest you copy your “Views/Dashboards”, and Various Settings/Configuration Files, YAML-Files etc., then reinstall the integrations, so they also are “Fresh”, and replace the corresponding “Settings-Files”( This part is not a “danger-zone”, However Replacing core-config/core-entities/Devices etc , i will not recommend, if your not Very Familiar with HA.

Open the Card in Any OS, and you should be able to read any text/YAML/JSON file there ( C/P )

Tried ‘login’ but still the same problem. Fresh install onto T470s laptop

EDIT: What an idiot - ethernet cable not seated correctly in laptop. Easy fix.

I had the same issue on my QNAP, after installing a fresh HAOS in a VM (Virtualization Station)
Turns out that the DHCP server on my QNAP disapeared after creating a virtual switch (done by the Virtualization Station app.
So HA did not get an IP address. After seting up the DHCP server and entering ‘login’, it worked.

Later on I entered a fixed IP via the HA GUI

I’m using Unifi for my network and running home assistant on a Synology nas. The virtual instance didn’t got an IP. Figured out the problem was the dynamic sizing option was the problem. After fixing the size of the network, the virtual instance got an IP and fixed the problem for me.

Dear HA team, why not add an explanation in that message? Change it to something like,
Please wait or try to enter "login"

Look how many threads are there with this same exact tittle. And going on for years.
Almost everyone encountered this error at least once, wasted between 5 minutes to 5 hours and then searched to find that you have to “login”.

That’s how many man-hours wasted, if we multiply number of HA users out there and take 15 minutes wasted on average, that’s 5 years. You killed 5 year old baby with this. Or a middle aged dog, whichever you prefer.

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New installation of HAOS on Raspberry Pi 5 has the same problem. Using ‘login’ does not solve the problem. Waiting 40 min and then using ‘login’ does not solve the problem either.

Seems this challenge exists for years. Where could it be beneficial to add information on screen, together with this error message, or code to help diagnosis?..

First of all, just adding the text “Wait 20 min and try execute ‘login’” in extension of the error message could already be the first help.

Does this happen due to the containers needed to be downloaded and constructed, or?..

Any suggestions to help people on-boarding HAOS on this challenge ?..

Not that I think I would be able to do the job, but it would still interest me, to better understand the challenges behind this problem. - And maybe I could do the job, after a long time working with it. Could be better/faster than so far. - Does there exist a pool for HAOS coder boddies to connect to? Any videos on how to join the HAOS coding force?.. Any channel on a SoMe to listen to for learning how to join?

(I have a degree in computer science, so not quite a newbe. Also had HAOS running on Raspi 3, with an older version of HAOS. Reinstalling after buying a new Raspi 5 with 8GB RAM, due to Raspi 3 having to little memory for compiling ESP32 stuff. Now stuck at an exit named “Abandon. And forget about your smart home. Last time you where just lucky”.)

Got it.

The reasons CLI does not start, IN MY CASE, seems to be due to missing network connection.

Now, as the world today lives on WiFi, I had started hard out by setting a fixed IP, according to this link: github.com link.

But apparently I had the settings for the fixed IP wrong. I guess the gateway IP.

Pulled the SD card over and created the files new, and switched over to dynamic IP, alias not fixed. This did the trick. - Note that every time you start HAOS, this file will be deleted. Was in my case.

If you want to know where and how to set that file, see this video: YouTube link.

Now, after having it running, I will start investigating the IP settings I have working in HAOS with its commands. See HA documentation for this. Then I will go to fixed IP again.

This is a very useful comment. Thank you so much for posting it. It saved me from going completely crazy.

Worked for me. You are a lifesaver lsmoo