WARNING! Do not update websocket to 0.61.1 with Add-on version: 16.0.2

Thanks for all this.

Took my Christmas break to get into HASS.

Installed in a VM, got it, NR, MQTT, zigbee2MQTT up and running along with about 200+ devices, mainly zigbee2MQTT but with loads of others.

As far as I can tell, when I installed NR using the HASS Add Ons it installed with NR AND the HASS modules to support HASS Nodes. and it installed 0.62.2 of the node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket.

So did not upgrade anything, well knowingly :slight_smile:

Since setting up NR evrytime I reboot HASS node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket uninstalls and a pile of integrations fail.

This is quite hard on new users, especially adding in the add ons to work with everything and that seems to demand a reboot with every on installed.

Makes for steep learning curve :slight_smile:

This kinda stuff happens with all Home Automation hubs, Hubitat, Homey etc etc so not off put by it.

Certainly going around trying to find everywhere there is an autoupdate and disabling seems a prudent step right now :slight_smile:

Well there I was thinking that any new install of Node-RED addon would upload the dependency version of WebSocket nodes. Clearly it must load the latest version, which currently causes a problem.

After quite a bit of searching I have found (stumbled upon) a way to downgrade nodes in the palette, and have I believe successfully tested this out.


I have a new Revolution Pi, on which I had recently upgraded Node-RED to v3.1.3, and I have therefore been able to upgrade the WebSocket nodes to the latest v0.62.2. This is all working nicely.

I have managed to downgrade to v0.59.0 using the following approach.

Copy the link below, paste it into your browser address bar, and this should trigger a download of the v0.59.0 tgz package. Save to somewhere.


Using the Node-RED palette manager, in the install tab, use the ‘upload module tgz file’ option, and select the download tgz file. Select ‘upload’

This should load the module version of choice, and just requires a restart of Node-RED to reset.

I have not experimented on my main HA Odroid, but this might be worth a try to get back to the stable version 0.59.0

I hope this is of use!


Excellent - appears to work.

Only note that when you DL https://registry.npmjs.org/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/-/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket-0.59.0.tgz

it actually DLs node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/-/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket-0.59.0.tar

Rename the file to an extension of tgz and then click install and then restart NR and bob’s your Uncle !!

Just tried it an the HASS Nodes remained after a NR restart!!!

Awesome Thanks!!

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This must be one of those delightful features of browsers that causes so much trouble. I triple checked this last night before posting - my Windows PC and Chrome dutifully tries to save the file as

node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket-0.59.0 (1).tgz

the (1) is because I already have a copy - and yes it does save it as .tgz which is the only format extension that NR appears to accept for upload.

The GitHub repository holds this as .zip, and as tar.gz and no amount of renaming worked for me yesterday, hence having to go to the npm registry and fiddle about there.

Anyway, if it works, I now know how to load a specific version of a node in stand alone NR on a Raspberry Pi, and how to load a specific version of a node in HASS NR addon.

Happy New Year to one and all !

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worked perfekt for me. thank you very much!


This fixed it for me! Tnx!

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Perfect! You saved my day!

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Check worked perfect for mee to

you saved my day

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Rolling back to websocket-0.59.0 saved our lives “for now”.
What is not clear to me is whether the home assistant node has actually been deprecated or whether it is an update problem.
Because in the first case I think it is enough to wait for future versions, in the second I suppose it is necessary to replace the functions …


This is an uncommon and temporary issue potentially affecting only anyone with Node-RED as an HA addon, using the HA WebSocket nodes.

IF you have Node-RED as an HA addon,
AND you either manually update WebSocket nodes from the palette
OR you make a new Node-RED addon installation

THEN you will pick up the latest version of the WebSocket that will not work with the current Node-RED version in the addon.

Solutions are:

  • don’t update manually (if you do, then above is a work-around to reverse this)
  • install the latest Node-RED addon, and then downgrade the installed version of WebSocket nodes to something that is compatible with the Node-RED in the addon
  • don’t use Node-RED as an addon, and update both Node-RED and the WebSocket nodes together

I can confirm that 0.62.2 works perfectly with Node-RED 3.1.3 as an off-HA install on a Raspberry Pi.

TnX for clarification :slight_smile:

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now there is 17.0.0 of node-red dare you update?

I see, don’t know if could be a good idea updating … I’ll give e change tomorrow (after system snapshot) …


I’ll giv e it a try… the changelog mentions it has updated to node-red 3.1.3:

⬆️ Update node-red to v3.1.3 @renovate (#1761)

Keep you posted.

Upgrade seems to be working correctly, with the home-assistant websocket 0.62.2:

Looks good to me!

I confirm. looks good to me too…

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Same here: updated to Node-Red 17.0.0 and restarted home assistant and node red - all nodes and flows loaded fine now. Thanks developers!

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I updated to v 17.0.0 and my node red was not happy with an Unknown api-call service. After downgrading websocket to v 0.59.0 it was working correctly. I have verified that I am running Node-RED version: v3.1.3 but with websocket v 0.62.2 I have this issue. The procedure above using websocket v0.59.0 makes it work but I would really like to get v0.62.2 working and would love any help from the group here.

Thanks a lot for figuring this out and sharing it. Saved me perfectly. :slight_smile:


can you share a bit more about what’s happening?

  • Which API call is failing?
  • What is the error being returned?
  • Do you know on which node it is happening specifically?
  • Have you tried turning off all you flows that are using the websocket, and re-enabling them one-at-a-time to pinpoint where on which flow it starts failing?

or is it that the websocket node is sending you an error on initialization and all your flows stop working?

