Water Meter Reading/Integration with Itron EverBlu Cyble Enhanced

Hi .
( I can’t find the frequency. I’ve been scanning for a good few days and nothing. )
I am working on NodeMCU V3

ok, the scan was successful


UPS I looked in the sump and there sits AnyQuest Cyble Enhanced, is it the same as EverBlu Cyble Enhanced. the appearance is the same. Only that when I scan it shows me a different frequency each time???

can you provide code how to do it

There is no self developed code necessary. You will find helpers in HA under Settings > Devices and Services. > Helpers > Utility Meter

Unfortunately, when added by the helper, the energy meter in the dashboard does not see it
But if I add in config.yaml it shows up.
I cannot enter valid values in a row
will anyone help.

    - name: "Water Meter Total"
      state_topic: "everblu/cyble/liters"
      unit_of_measurement: "m³"
      device_class: "water"
      state_class: total_increasing
      value_template: "{{ value_json['total_m3']|default(0.000)}}"
      icon: mdi:counter 

I am using as „unit of measurement“ L instead of m3 and the sensor (Utility Meter) works in the dashboard.

Done Zrzut ekranu (30)

A little curiosity

Set the clock to your region (Optional)

Go to line 188-190 if necessary

configTzTime("CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00", "pool.ntp.org");

The clock is set to Paris, to modify according to your region copy/paste the code available on this site

I have such a problem

Does the LED go out after reading the value???
It doesn’t go out for me and the next day I don’t want to reach new peaks, I have to manually reset it.
As if suspended.


My LED is also always active but i get data every day based on the scheduler from the code. But its necessary that you read the data one time in order to create the sensor in HA. After that MQTT can do this based on the defined time. Post 18 describes the steps what you need to do. This has worked for me.

Good question, it would be great to be able to read the meter at midnight to produce daily metrics. Any updates on the battery life? Would be also nice to have the device report battery level, it may be asking too much though

14h00 My everblue stop transmission for me … go to sleep mode at 2PM …

ESP8266 12-E NodeMCU Kit CH340 NodeMcu V3 // CC1101 bleu V2 ( le mien )
pin 1 (3V3) to pin 2 (VCC)
pin D8 HCS to pin 4 (CKN) Sur ali picture) cable noir
pin D5 HSCLK to pin 5 SCLK (SCK) Sur ali picture) cable mauve
pin D7 HMOSI to pin 6 (MOSI) cable blanc
pin D6 HMISO to pin 7 (MISO) cable bleu
pin D1 (GPIO5) to pin 3 (GDO0) cable orange
pin D2 (GPIO4) to pin 8 (GD02) cable gris

pin 8 (GD02) on antenne => pas besoin . Not need use " pin 8 (GD02) " câble .

RPI to CC1101
pin 1 (3V3) to pin 2 (VCC)
pin 6 (GND) to pin 1 (GND)
pin 11 (GPIO0 ) to pin 3 (GDO0)
pin 24 (CE0) to pin 4 (CSN)
pin 23 (SCLK) to pin 5 (SCK)
pin 19 (MOSI) to pin 6 (MOSI)
pin 21 (MISO) to pin 7 (MISO)
pin 13 (GPIO27) to pin 8 (GD02)

ESP8266 12-E NodeMCU Kit CH340 NodeMcu V3 // CC1101 bleu V2 ( le mien )
pin 1 (3V3) to pin 2 (VCC)
pin D8 HCS to pin 4 (CKN) Sur ali picture) cable noir
pin D5 HSCLK to pin 5 SCLK (SCK) Sur ali picture) cable mauve
pin D7 HMOSI to pin 6 (MOSI) cable blanc
pin D6 HMISO to pin 7 (MISO) cable bleu
pin D1 (GPIO5) to pin 3 (GDO0) cable orange
pin D2 (GPIO4) to pin 8 (GD02) cable gris

EGBO – Module émetteur-récepteur sans fil, 433M CC1101 10mW NRF905/SX1212/SI4432
CC1101 rouge old V1 Wemos

GOD0 (GDO0) D1 ( adresse 5 )
CSN (SPI chip select) D8
SCK (SPI clock) D5
GOD2 (GDO2) D2 ( adresse 4 )

08:26:15.290 → ------------------------------
08:26:15.290 → Got frequency : 433.791748
08:26:15.290 → ------------------------------
08:26:15.290 → Liters : 945
08:26:15.290 → Battery (in months) : 151
08:26:15.290 → Counter : 1
08:26:15.290 →

08:26:15.290 → Got frequency : 433.791748 ( A travers 3 murs de bétons et 30m plus loin , maison voisine avec jardin entre )
08:26:15.290 → Got frequency : 433.817627 30m
08:26:15.290 → Got frequency : 433.791748 30cm
08:36:37.087 → Got frequency : 433.769775 30cm
08:39:58.978 → Got frequency : 433.770264 30cm
08:41:12.618 → Got frequency : 433.770752 30cm
08:42:45.896 → Got frequency : 433.769775 30cm
08:43:53.248 → Got frequency : 433.769775 30cm
Got frequency : 433.868988 30m
09:57:38.567 ? Got frequency : 433.870850 30m
Got frequency : 433.874023 30m
Got frequency : 433.868988 30m
Got frequency : 433.856628 30m
Got frequency : 433.864990 30m

antenne verte atention inversion du GDo0 et GD02 …stupide …
Got frequency : 433.806976 30m
Got frequency : 433.806000 30m
Got frequency : 433.807376 30 cm

pin 8 (GD02) on antenne => pas besoin . Not need use " pin 8 (GD02) " câble .

Works fine for me, has a funny habit of resetting sometimes but doesn’t affect the read. Will only read on workdays and day hours.

I have never succeeded with an ESP32 dev kit 1 wroom 32 espressive.
Work perfect with 8266 .
14h00 My everblue stop transmission for me …
Green antenne is not good . inscription on pcb is not correct . I need change GD00 and GD02 . inversion . after , work perfect . attention avec les ingenieurs chinois … .

Hi, I can see that you solved it but just for other usr. The Soft WDT reset come from the while (42); lines that are after the test and the frequency search. I suppose that they are there to stop the output but ESP8266 needs a delay(x); or a yield(); inside the loop to avoid the watchdog reseting the device.

The meter working our are coded in the fabric, you can not modify them. There is plenty of info here: maison2:compteur_d_eau:compteur_d_eau [Le WIKI de la Maison Simon]

Hello everyone,

I have this working with raspberry pi and CC1101…at least two years! I use mqtt to send data to homeassistant.
My data source was the same lamaison…, but I remeber there ware some mistakes that need to be fixed.
Please be aware when trying to communicate of the working hours, usually 6AM-6PM (6H-18H), if you try outside this time it will not anwser!!
Another tihing is that this device has a leak detection warning but I didn’t try ti find which register is the correct one. If anyone need the code I can share…

Hello Alberto,
I am using a PRI 4B with fresh rasbian lite with Mosquitto Broker/Client and RTL_433 / SDR installed.
The MQTT works fine, the RTL_433 too.

But I want to read data from EverBlue Cyble water meter as well, so I tried to follow the instruction from GitHub - neutrinus/everblu-meters: Fetch water usage data from Cyble meters

  1. (done) Enable SPI in raspi-config.
  2. (done) Install WiringPi from GitHub - WiringPi/WiringPi: Gordon's Arduino wiring-like WiringPi Library for the Raspberry Pi (Unofficial Mirror for WiringPi bindings)
  3. (done) Install libmosquitto-dev: apt install libmosquitto-dev
  4. (?) Set meter serial number and production date in everblu_meters.c

The point 4 is not clear to me, I cannot find the file everblu_meters.c
So, have I missed something?

If you could help me with that will be great.

Best Regards

figured it out, I missed get repo … now everything works … can read it in mqtt

Hi there, for those interested I’ve made a ready to go open source shield for PI. No more Wires and updated documentation

It’s here

And reworked code also here

An ESP32 version is on the way, any feedback appreciated