Hey everyone,
I’m playing around with the 2.9inch waveshare epaper display at the moment. As the partial refresh is still broken/buggy in the esphome implementation (ESPHome + Waveshare 2.9inv2 e-ink display + partial refresh = flicker/artifacts? for details), I want to settle on a “update once every 30 minutes” approach to not have the “all white, all black, back to the actual image” flickering all the time. As I’m at the moment mostly showing weather info, a smaller update frequency is fine. (And when I later add notifications about sensor changes, a bit of flickering actually adds to the notification awareness )
My problem: when I boot up the esp, the display quickly shows the right image/text, but does another black/white refresh and then stays white until the next regular (non-bootup) refresh. With a refresh of 30 minutes or longer, this would mean I would have to wait that long until the display actually shows something for the first time.
Potential workaround: somehow trigger a “manual” refresh 10 seconds after booting is done completely. How would I do that?
Alternatively: is the behaviour that I have actually an issue with my settings, and the display should show the correct content directly after booting and not just after the first regular refresh?
This is the display section of my yaml:
name: epaper
board: esp32doit-devkit-v1
type: arduino
clk_pin: 19
mosi_pin: 18
- platform: waveshare_epaper
cs_pin: 21
dc_pin: 3
busy_pin: 22
reset_pin: 1
model: 2.90inv2
rotation: 90°
update_interval: 30min
full_update_every: 1
reset_duration: 2ms
id: eink
lambda: |-
it.image(0, 92, id(otter_icon));
it.printf(150, 0, id(font1), "Hey, it is");
if (id(outside_temperature).has_state()) {
it.printf(190, 20, id(font2), "%.1f", id(outside_temperature).state);
it.printf(150, 50, id(font1), "degrees outside");
it.printf(150, 70, id(font1), "and it is");
if (id(outside_weather).has_state()) {
it.printf(150, 90, id(font2), "%s", id(outside_weather).state.c_str());
Greatful for every hint in the right direction, thanks in advance!