Way to call multiple actions from button?

basically what I want is to call two tap actions from a button press. I can’t use a script because one of the actions is an url_path action, so I have to call it directly (I guess). Does anyone know of a workaround?
Also, an alternative configuration like this:

type: picture
image: local/icons/gmx.svg
  - action: url
    url_path: 'https://www.gmx.net/'
  - action: call-service
    service: ''
    service_data: {}
    target: {}

would be great and doable right?

That would be cool but I think it‘s rather a case for a feature request.

  1. Use a script to do two things with one press.
  2. Use another action for the second thing.

Sure, I just couldn’t select multiple categories and wanted to see if anyone already accomplished this.

You’re talking about hold action, right? That would be possible, but it isn’t of course as simple as just pressing a button once.

Or double_tap, but naturally I‘m aware of that No. 2 is not the all-in-one solution you are looking for.

If your goal is to have multiple actions, where one is meant to navigate, then you can use a script. This is where browser_mod comes into play. It allows you to use service calls to navigate to a page. See

So with this you can create a script where browser_mod is the first sequence and your second service call the second one. Use the correct deviceID (or use deviceID: this for device pressing it) and you can use navigate within a script.

I’m using browser_mod too and got a bit into it, but I think there are two problems with this:

  1. it can only navigate between HA pages not in my case https://www.gmx.net/
  2. this doesn’t work since a few months and a “hard coded” deviceID doesn’t help

That’s too bad, then you’re out of luck since buton-card doesn’t support chaining actions.

It does still work. It’s just that you can’t use it with fire-dom-event, which was introduced back then. See readme: hass-browser_mod/README.md at master · thomasloven/hass-browser_mod · GitHub

U can have browser_mod do this with javascript, like:

service: browser_mod.javascript
    code: window.location.replace("spotify://open.spotify.com")