Wear os app cannot select entity to show as complication

Has anybody managed to get the state of an entity show up as a complication? When i select this option it always shows me invalid entity and i can’t get it to show a menu to select an existing entity.


Are you able to select the entity at all? In the beta it’s working fine.

No selection menu is popping up. Do you select this in the watch, in the ha app or in the galaxy 4 wear app?

Long press the watchface, edit the watchface, select a complication, select home assistant entity state, wait for the chip to finish loading then click on it, find the domain of the entity and click on it, then select the entity in the list.

The chip loads for 2 secs but when i click on it afterwards nothing happens.
Latest beta, samsung s21 ultra latest wear version

Theres a fix in teh beta where if you had too many entities the page would crash and not load, might want to try that.

Sorry for my ignorance, how do i apply this fix? I do have many entities

join the beta on google play, and yes this will also join the beta for the phone app


I am already a tester

check that the watch app is updated to the same version, if it is then you may be hitting an error and we will need to see the on device logs to determine the issue

It’s the same version.
How do i configure the logger?

Are you familiar with android logcat?

You’ll need to connect the watch to a computer to pull the logcat logs by following these steps https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/get-started/debugging

From there if you connect using android studio there will be a logcat window for you to monitor, otherwise you will need to use the command line:

how can i filter the adb logcat command for only HA logcats? Here are 2 lines that i have spotted

 BaseRestrictionMgr: callerPkgName:com.google.android.wearable.app calleePackage:io.homeassistant.companion.android action:android.support.wearable.complications.ACTION_COMPLICATION_UPDATE_REQUEST for type:bindService
Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:ShortTextComplicationData(text=ComplicationText{mSurroundingText=REDACTED, mTimeDependentText=null}, title=ComplicationText{mSurroundingText=REDACTED, mTimeDependentText=null}, monochromaticImage=MonochromaticImage(image=Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=io.homeassistant.companion.android id=0x7f080093), ambientImage=null), contentDescription=ComplicationText{mSurroundingText=REDACTED, mTimeDependentText=null}, tapActionLostDueToSerialization=false, tapAction=null, validTimeRange=TimeRange(REDACTED), dataSource=null)
09-16 23:29:58.857   564  2220 D BaseRestrictionMgr: callerPkgName:com.google.android.wearable.app calleePackage:io.homeassistant.companion.android action:android.support.wearable.complications.ACTION_COMPLICATION_UPDATE_REQUEST for type:bindService
09-16 23:29:58.857   564  2220 I BaseRestrictionMgr: begin mask is CHECK_ISFREEZED:true CHECK_ISRESTRICTED:true MATCH_ANYRESTRICTION:false CHECK_ISALLOWED:false
09-16 23:29:58.857   564  2220 I BaseRestrictionMgr: restrictions:536870912 mask is CHECK_ISFREEZED:true CHECK_ISRESTRICTED:true MATCH_ANYRESTRICTION:false CHECK_ISALLOWED:false
09-16 23:29:58.857   564  2220 I BaseRestrictionMgr: mask is CHECK_ISFREEZED:true CHECK_ISRESTRICTED:false MATCH_ANYRESTRICTION:false CHECK_ISALLOWED:true
09-16 23:29:58.879   564  2220 D FreecessController: UFZ : io.homeassistant.companion.android(15570)
09-16 23:29:58.885   564  2220 D FreecessController: UFZ : io.homeassistant.companion.android(0), reason: bindService:android.support.wearable.complications.ACTION_COMPLICATION_UPDATE_REQUEST
09-16 23:29:58.886   365   446 E TrafficController: FREECESS
09-16 23:29:58.890   564  1322 D FreecessController: SendNetlink type:2 mod:3 src_portid:564 dst_portid:305402420 version:536870912 target_uid:-1 flag:0 code:0 cmd:1 uid:10132
09-16 23:29:58.892   564  1322 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] SetWakeLockEnableDisable uid = 10132 , disable= false
09-16 23:29:58.893   564  1322 I PowerManagerService: [PWL] can not change uid =  10132
09-16 23:29:58.894   564  1322 D FreecessController: apply [LRs:false] to uid[10132]
09-16 23:29:58.894   564  1322 W LocationManagerService: onFreezeStateChanged, uid[10132]=false
09-16 23:29:58.894   564  1322 V AlarmManager: unblockMARsRestrictedAlarmsForUidPackage: uid = 10132, packageName = io.homeassistant.companion.android
09-16 23:29:58.894   564  1322 D FreecessController: send pending alarm to packageName:io.homeassistant.companion.android, uid:10132
09-16 23:29:58.895   564  2220 D BaseRestrictionMgr: Package: io.homeassistant.companion.android, userid: 0, hostingType: bindService is allowed by freecess, caller is: com.google.android.wearable.app
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onFailure
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(SocketInputStream.java:119)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:176)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:144)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLInputStream.readFromSocket(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:936)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLInputStream.processDataFromSocket(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:900)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLInputStream.readUntilDataAvailable(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:815)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at com.android.org.conscrypt.ConscryptEngineSocket$SSLInputStream.read(ConscryptEngineSocket.java:788)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okio.InputStreamSource.read(JvmOkio.kt:94)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okio.AsyncTimeout$source$1.read(AsyncTimeout.kt:125)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okio.RealBufferedSource.request(RealBufferedSource.kt:206)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okio.RealBufferedSource.require(RealBufferedSource.kt:199)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okio.RealBufferedSource.readByte(RealBufferedSource.kt:209)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader.readHeader(WebSocketReader.kt:119)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader.processNextFrame(WebSocketReader.kt:102)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket.loopReader(RealWebSocket.kt:293)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket$connect$1.onResponse(RealWebSocket.kt:195)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall$AsyncCall.run(RealCall.kt:519)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository:   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.935 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:ShortTextComplicationData(text=ComplicationText{mSurroundingText=REDACTED, mTimeDependentText=null}, title=ComplicationText{mSurroundingText=REDACTED, mTimeDependentText=null}, monochromaticImage=MonochromaticImage(image=Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=io.homeassistant.companion.android id=0x7f080093), ambientImage=null), contentDescription=ComplicationText{mSurroundingText=REDACTED, mTimeDependentText=null}, tapActionLostDueToSerialization=false, tapAction=null, validTimeRange=TimeRange(REDACTED), dataSource=null)
09-16 23:29:58.936 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationNoneItem] position:BOTTOM_RIGHT complicationData type:SHORT_TEXT
09-16 23:29:58.937 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DrawableToBitmap] data loaded: instanceof android.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawable@cf2fdcc
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.939 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.940 13351 13351 I Watchface: [CanvasWatchFaceRenderer] headless mode render!!
09-16 23:29:58.940 13351 13351 I Watchface: [CanvasWatchFaceRenderer] BEGIN render
09-16 23:29:58.960 13351 13351 I Watchface: [CanvasWatchFaceRenderer] END render
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.961 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationDataFeeder] loadData complicationData:EmptyComplicationData()
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplicationNoneItem] position:BOTTOM_RIGHT complicationData type:EMPTY
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [ComplicationBaseItem] forceUpdateContentDescriptionLabels
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 101 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_steps]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 102 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-tr-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_battery]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 103 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-bl-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [edge_chance_of_rain]
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [EdgeComplication] complicationSlotId: 104 Component Name: null
09-16 23:29:58.962 13351 13351 I Watchface: [DigitalModularWatchface] getComplicationNameSaValue: complicationPosition = [complication-br-edge], publicComp = [], privateComp = [none]
09-16 23:29:59.021 31939 31939 D WCS     : [WFEditingCompanionClient]compressing bitmap of size: 640000 using format: WEBP_LOSSLESS and quality: 100, result size: 29296
09-16 23:29:59.022 31939 31939 D WCS     : [ProtoCommController]writeMessage
09-16 23:29:59.022 31939 31939 D WCS     : [ProtoStreamWriter]write
09-16 23:29:59.022 31939 31939 D WCS     : [StreamWriter][[ProtoStreamWriter]@13668ad ]write, length 29316
09-16 23:29:59.023 31939 25435 D WCS     : [StreamWriter][[ProtoStreamWriter,runnable]@69fbb9b ]processing, length 29316
09-16 23:29:59.025 31939 25435 D WCS     : [StreamWriter][[ProtoStreamWriter,runnable]@69fbb9b ]finished, length 29316
09-16 23:30:00.669 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_pm_snd_md_req switching from ACTIVE to SNIFF.

hmm so it failed due to it aborting? interesting

09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onFailure
09-16 23:29:58.906 15570 25486 E WebSocketRepository: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort

does the rest of the app work like when you open the app and look at an entity state and toggle it?

Yes other than that no problems

weird, please open an issue on github with the above error and make sure to fill out the issue template so the team can investigate


I just rechecked and indeed the rest of the app works partially. It does show the state of a custom light switch that i have for all the lights, but not the correct state of each individual light. I also cannot toggle the lights on/off. The wear face with the custom icons works though perfectly (i have a nuki lock configured). I re-installed the app in the watch and did not help

check logs when you toggle the light and load the main screen for any errors that may be there, something soudns like its failing and we need to see the error to see what is failing. Also check HA core logs at the time of toggling and loading to see if any errors exist there.

This is what happens when i try to toggle a light on

09-18 00:15:03.958   564  8807 D PhoneWindowManagerExt: f.b. a=false id=0 callingPackage=io.homeassistant.companion.android hapticsEnabled=true touchBezelEnabled=true bezelHapticsEnabled=true Caller=com.android.server.policy.PhoneWindowManager.performHapticFeedback:6709 com.android.server.wm.Session.performHapticFeedback:291 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:1050 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:144 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1154
09-18 00:15:03.959   564  8807 D Vibrator: binder call to service pkg=android, effect=SemHaptic{mType=50038, mRepeat=-1, mMagnitude=-1, mMagnitudeType=TYPE_TOUCH}
09-18 00:15:03.959   564  8807 V VibratorService: vibrate - package: android, token: android.os.Binder@439fdd6, usage: 0, effect: SemHaptic{mType=50038, mRepeat=-1, mMagnitude=-1, mMagnitudeType=TYPE_TOUCH}, mag: 10000, TYPE_TOUCH
09-18 00:15:03.959   564  8807 V VibratorService: semColorfulVibrate - package: android, reason: null, repeat: -1, token: android.os.Binder@439fdd6, usageHint : 0, flags: 0, mag: 10000, TYPE_TOUCH
09-18 00:15:03.959   564  8807 D VibratorService: Turning vibrator off.
09-18 00:15:03.959   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: V_1_0: Vibrator off
09-18 00:15:03.960   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: >> writeNode node:/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0
09-18 00:15:03.960   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: << writeNode node OK : 2
09-18 00:15:03.961   564  8807 D VibratorService: vibratorOn() : 20ms, mag :10000, type : 50038
09-18 00:15:03.961   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] vibratorPerformHapticEngine()
09-18 00:15:03.962   278   278 I servicemanager: Found android.hardware.vibrator.IVibrator/default in device VINTF manifest.
09-18 00:15:03.965 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_pm_snd_md_req switching from SNIFF to ACTIVE.
09-18 00:15:03.968   564  8807 E VibratorService: [VIB JNI] getInterfaceVersion aidl remote_ver  (2).
09-18 00:15:03.968   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] vibratorSupportsHybridHapticEngine()
09-18 00:15:03.968   278   278 I servicemanager: Found android.hardware.vibrator.IVibrator/default in device VINTF manifest.
09-18 00:15:03.970   564  8807 E VibratorService: [VIB JNI] getInterfaceVersion aidl vendor command (2).
09-18 00:15:03.970   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: supportsHybridHapticEngine
09-18 00:15:03.970   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: isNodeExist node:/timed_output/vibrator/hybrid_haptic_engine
09-18 00:15:03.971   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: true
09-18 00:15:03.971   564  8807 W VibratorService: [VIB JNI] supportsHybridHapticEngine aidl vendor : true
09-18 00:15:03.972   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] performHybridHapticEngine duration (20).
09-18 00:15:03.972   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] performHybridHapticEngine amplitude (10000).
09-18 00:15:03.972   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] performHybridHapticEngine type (1).
09-18 00:15:03.972   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] performHybridHapticEngine data (9).
09-18 00:15:03.972   564  8807 I VibratorService: [VIB JNI] performHybridHapticEngine overdriving (0).
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: performHybridHapticEngine
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: performHybridHapticEngine amplitude : 10000
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: performHybridHapticEngine packet_cnt : 1
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: performHybridHapticEngine total_size : 4
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: performHybridHapticEngine : 4 20 10000 #9 0
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: do_on for timeoutMs: 1
09-18 00:15:03.973   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: >> writeNode node:/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:1
09-18 00:15:03.975   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: << writeNode node OK : 2
09-18 00:15:03.975   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-EXT: V_2_0: performHybridHapticEngine OK
09-18 00:15:03.975   564  8807 W VibratorService: [VIB JNI] performHybridHapticEngine aidl vendor : OK
09-18 00:15:04.006   564   564 E VibratorService: Vibration finished, cleaning up
09-18 00:15:04.007   564   564 D VibratorService: Turning vibrator off.
09-18 00:15:04.008   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: V_1_0: Vibrator off
09-18 00:15:04.008   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: >> writeNode node:/timed_output/vibrator/enable val:0
09-18 00:15:04.011   418   418 E SecVibrator-HAL-AIDL-CORE: HW_API: << writeNode node OK : 2
09-18 00:15:04.052  5277 10113 I mpanion.androi: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 164210(5306KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 23% free, 14MB/18MB, paused 463us total 207.512ms
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_bda_to_acl found
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_handle_to_acl_index
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_pm_proc_mode_change switched from UNKNOWN to ACTIVE.
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm mode change to active; check l2c_link for outgoing packets
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_sco_disc_chk_pend_for_modechange: hci_handle 0x000b, p->state 0x01
09-18 00:15:04.080 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_cont_rswitch
09-18 00:15:04.159   308   308 I io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 5225076 77438438 w 1475721 22341220 d 52719 6218316 f 2072059 761242 iot 5479232 0 th 51200 51200 48136 pt 36 inp 0 0 163789.386
09-18 00:15:04.401  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
09-18 00:15:04.409  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 37 received
09-18 00:15:04.441  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 37 received
09-18 00:15:05.399 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_pm_snd_md_req switching from ACTIVE to SNIFF.
09-18 00:15:05.445 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:05.446 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_bda_to_acl found
09-18 00:15:05.446 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:05.446 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:05.446 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:05.446 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:05.447 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : BTM_GetHCIConnHandle
09-18 00:15:05.447 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_handle_to_acl_index
09-18 00:15:05.447 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_pm_proc_mode_change switched from UNKNOWN to SNIFF.
09-18 00:15:05.447 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm mode change to active; check l2c_link for outgoing packets
09-18 00:15:05.448 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_sco_disc_chk_pend_for_modechange: hci_handle 0x000b, p->state 0x01
09-18 00:15:05.448 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_cont_rswitch
09-18 00:15:06.177   308   308 I io_stats: !@ 179,0 r 5225124 77438674 w 1475721 22341220 d 52719 6218316 f 2072059 761242 iot 5479240 0 th 51200 51200 48136 pt 36 inp 0 0 163791.400
09-18 00:15:06.480 29114 29186 D bt_btm  : btm_pm_snd_md_req switching from SNIFF to ACTIVE.
09-18 00:15:06.502  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
09-18 00:15:06.510  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 37 received
09-18 00:15:06.516  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
09-18 00:15:06.538  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 37 received
09-18 00:15:06.541  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
09-18 00:15:06.545  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 37 received
09-18 00:15:06.547  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
09-18 00:15:06.550  5277 30040 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 37 received
09-18 00:15:06.588   564   662 D PowerManagerService: UserActivityStateListenerState: 0

NO errors in the logs on the HA side