Wear OS home assistant control

Well it seems to be some kind of a default screen or a placeholder. The icons do nothing when clicked on.

But following your advice about icons, it’s true that some of the entities did not have explicitly assigned icons. I have corrected that and now all entities appear on the tile. It seems that rendering of the icons stop with the very first entity with a non-default icon. In my shortcuts the first entity did not have an icon and that’s why a placeholder screen was being displayed.

I assume it’s a bug, not a feature? Is it reported? Should I report it?

Thanks for help!

I think its this bug - Wear OS - Wrong icon for light entities in quick setting tiles · Issue #1915 · home-assistant/android · GitHub but @dshokouhi should be able to confirm.

I actually submitted a PR last night to correct this behavior

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I just joined the main app beta channel and can see the HA app in the Wear OS play store on my watch but there is no install button… seems like there is a placeholder for it but nothing I can tap on. Any one else see this? Wondering if it’s a bug in the app or something on my watch.

It’s definitely there and downloads from the play store. What watch do you have?

Probably not too helpful, but I can say I had the same issue on my Samsung Galaxy watch4. The install button was simply missing, but it eventually showed up (days maybe?)

I remember that bug, it might be a play store issue. Maybe a device restart is needed?

I have a Fossil Gen 5. I ended up using my phone to request the watch to install the app. All working now.

it sounds like a play store bug because the app takes you to the same URL, maybe there was a delay in it showing the install button?

I tried a few times and it never appeared. Quite possibly just the Play Store as you say.

Thanks for all your epic work on these apps. :+1:

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Can you help me create tile ?
In the parameter, I have no shortcut to add. How can I create one ?

go to settings in the app and setup the tile, then add it from the tiles screen

I can’t setup it because it says none in the shortcut tile menu (with a recycle bin icon)

So you dotn see any thing beneath None like your input booleans followed by the lights etc…?

Heads up to existing wear OS beta users…the next update has a breaking change where you will need to reconfigure your favorite entities.

silly question but how far is the HA Wear OS app being released officially?

it will remain in beta for a while as most of the libraries we are using are in Alpha so we wont be moving it out of beta until those libraries mature more

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Ok that’s fair enough! Can’t wait for the official release when it’s available :raised_hands:. Thanks for the hard work :+1:t3:

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I downloaded the app today , scripts & scenes are working fine but switch toggles aren’t working at all , And the status of the switch isn’t shown properly when using the phone to switch on.
Any suggestions ?

Try checking for errors in the logs on the device if possible. Once you see the switches load into toggles you should start to see a stream of live updates unless theres an error in the websocket connection which the logs woudl indicate