Weather app, to get the precipitation like in buienradar

Hello all,

is is possible, to use buienradar as well outside of Netherlands or you know a alternative? -> I need it for Germany
I’m looking for a app to get information about the precipitation. best case in “mm/h” and a forecast for 2-3 days.
Background: to automate the irrigation of my garden :slight_smile:

If you have any other idea, I will be glad to read from you.

Perhaps openweathermap will get you there…


You are using OpenWeather as a “Weather” or as a “Sensor”?

I use it as a sensor, but i got not realy information about the precipitation. Only if rain or no. You got the rain information in mm/h?

my config:

  - platform: openweathermap
    name: OpenWetter
    language: de
    forecast: true
    api_key: <secret>
      - weather
      - temperature
      - wind_speed
      - clouds
      - rain
      - snow
      - weather_code
      - pressure

As a REST sensor. It is explained in the linked topic.

oh yes, I was fixed to integrations. :neutral_face:
You have an example to grab the rain information?

openweather_rain_tomorrow -> value is empty.

  - platform: rest
    name: openweather_report2
      - current
      - daily
    value_template: "{{ value_json['current']['dt'] | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', true) }}"
    scan_interval: 3600
  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.openweather_report2', 'daily')[1].weather.rain }}"
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Hello Griesi,
have you found a solution for this?
I would also like to have a rain forecast for today.