Weather Forecast Summary

Hi All,

I’m looking for some suggestions for displaying this entity so that it shows the full text of the weather forecast summary. Using simply a standard entity card, seems to cut off the (very large) text and you need to open a sub-window to read it (see below).

The integration is the “Environment Canada” integration which has a large number of sensors for the city/weather station you select when configured.
The entity in question is the sensor.<location_name>_summary that shows a text summary of the forecast for the day.

For example:

Halton Hills Summary
Today. Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers or drizzle. Wind northwest 30 km/h. Temperature steady near plus 5. UV index 1 or low.

If I use a regular entity card I see the top card in the first screenshot, with extra large text and cut off.
If I use a tile card, it seems to be normal size text, and fits in the window when it spans the screen (second card in first screenshot) but not if I were to use a stacked layout of any sort, then it gets cut off instead of wrapping the text. (see third stacked tile screenshot)


For reference, below is the entity pop out window when you click on any of the above cards.


Does it have to be an entity card? I too use the environment Canada weather with a markdown card as it does multiline.

I was thinking of Markdown, but wasn’t sure of the proper code to make it look nice. Can you share your code for the above?


I was able to work out the markdown portion but now I’m curious on your daily forecast card you show above. Is that all done in a markdown card also or is it a custom card of some sort?

Sorry I just saw this now. Here is my dashboard yaml for assistant.

 - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: markdown
            title: Forecast
            content: >
              ### <font color='#EEA056'> {{ states('sensor.forecast')}} </font>
              <font color='#FF0000'>   {% if (states('sensor.warnings') ==
              {% elif (states('sensor.warnings') == '2')-%}
              {% elif (states('sensor.warnings') == '3')-%}
              {%- else -%} 
              {%- endif %} </font>
          - type: custom:weather-card
            entity: weather.kitchener_waterloo
            name: K-W
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 72
              labels: true
              labels_secondary: true
              icon: false
              name: false
              state: false
              align_state: right
              font_size: 50
              - value: -5
                color: '#6499f7'
              - value: 10
                color: '#8ff95d'
              - value: 22
                color: '#e89e4b'
              - value: 28
                color: '#df4b3e'
              - sensor.temperature
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For those that find this post, my original findings to display the forecast summary in markdown, this is the code:

- type: markdown
  content: |-
    {% set summary = states.sensor.halton_hills_summary.state %}

    **Forecast:** {{ summary }}

With that said, I really like @pcwii 's solution, and am implementing a variation if it.

Thanks for your suggestion @pcwii

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@pcwii, Any idea if we can adjust the size of the City/Current Temperature shown here?
I know we can adjust the name text (as you have K-W), but hoping we can actually decrease the size shown. Depending on the screen width, they overlap each other.


There may be a way using card mod or something, but honestly I am not certain.
Your dashboard is look good, and familiar too!

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I’m just waiting to see what the “warnings” look like. :stuck_out_tongue:

I updated my dashboard to include the warnings, advisories, and statements.

- type: markdown
            title: Forecast
            content: >
              ### <font color='#EEA056'> 
                ### {{ states('sensor.forecast')}} 
              </font> <font color='#FF0000'> {% for d in
              states('sensor.warnings') %}
                {% if (states('sensor.warnings') != '0')-%}
                  {% set my_string = 'alert_' ~ d %}
                  {{state_attr('sensor.warnings', my_string)}}
                {%- else -%} 
                {%- endif %}
              {% endfor %} </font> <font color='#FFFF00'> {% for d in
              states('sensor.advisories') %}
                {% if (states('sensor.advisories') != '0')-%}
                  {% set my_string = 'alert_' ~ d %}
                  {{state_attr('sensor.advisories', my_string)}}
                {%- else -%} 
                {%- endif %}
              {% endfor %} </font> <font color='#0000ff'> {% for d in
              states('sensor.statements') %}
                {% if (states('sensor.statements') != '0')-%}
                  {% set my_string = 'alert_' ~ d %}
                  {{state_attr('sensor.statements', my_string)}}
                {%- else -%} 
                {%- endif %}
              {% endfor %} </font>

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question moved to main thread: