I have LG OLED55B8PLA WebOS TV and the state I am getting from the TV is very limited. I can’t even tell if something is currently playing on the TV or not. And so does not the media control card. The only thing I can do is change the source or increment volume.
- Disney+
- Fotografie a video
- HDMI 1
- HDMI 2
- Live TV
- Netflix
- Prime Video
- "Spotify – hudba a\_podcasty"
- "TV\_program"
- YouTube
volume_level: 0
is_volume_muted: false
source: Netflix
sound_output: external_arc
assumed_state: true
device_class: tv
entity_picture: >-
friendly_name: "[LG] webOS TV OLED55B8PLA"
supported_features: 24505
State when playing netflix movie
Tv currently playing a video from a flash drive
I was trying to create an automation based on what media is currently playing, for that I needed media_title attribute and found out I don’t have it available. This issue seems to confirm this working back in 2020. I also found this thread that shows users are getting very different attribute sets from the TVs.
Can someone clarify please? What am I missing?
Thank you!