Hey anyone, my Wemo integration stopped working yesterday. Home assistant can no longer see any of my WEMO devices and nothing has been changed. I’m on 0.95.4.
Can someone confirm their wemo devices are still working (i’m wondering if Wemo have done something to block Home Assistant).
When I moved to a different server and installed fresh, I also lost Wemo devices, but then I manually assigned them in the configuration and they’re working just fine. Setup static IP’s for the MAC addresses on your router and explicitly tell HA where they are and they’ll work.
You may need to reconfigure them in the Wemo app…I recall doing this too.
No problem. A bit annoying when things don’t work the way they did the first time. I remember Wemo just firing up and being recognized right out of the box when I put HASS.io on my Pi3.
I have the same issue did the update to Hassio and they stopped being recognized by HA. I had mine static and still no joy getting them back up and recognized again. Something in the 96.5 broke them. I tried doing it though discovery but nothing so put them back static, rebooted host, and still no luck. Not sure what broke them.
@DavidFW1960 after having to rebuild HA I checked out the config on wemo. Still not joy it seems to be an issue with last few upgrades to HA that broke it.
David I tried it different ways on getting Wemo device to work again. The integration part is detecting them but it is not putting any devices in that list. It states no devices listed. I did it with discovery and then did it with static still no joy so it has to be something in build 96.2 and up that broke it since that is when it happened. Bad part is my poor Pi died so migrated over to UnRAID NAS and the config snapshots would not take so had to rebuild it from scratch.
I’ve just turned discovery back on for wemo as it started not being detected again and with discovery false it then wouldn’t pick it up when it came back online. It’s being discovered again now. I’m nthis close to throwing it away and using one of my spare Sonoff S22’s I have laying around.
Did you get it working or switched to the Sonoff? I have a couple Wemos laying around and wanted to set up some automations for Xmas lights.
They do not show up in the integration no matter what the configuration.yaml file has. All are static. An entity is created but the automations do not see the entity.
Ah ok, understandable. I still get wemo issues from time to time after a firmware upgrades. The wemos seem quite fussy on wifi range too so those could have been part of the problem.
For myself I’ve had to get mesh wifi and placed these closer to troublesome wemos to work around wifi range issues.