What about Grace? Tune in to our special livestream next week!

Who is Grace? Grace Hopper was a computer scientist, mathematician, and US Navy admiral who had made significant contributions to the field of computer programming and technology, from her pioneering work on and contributions to the Harvard Mark I computer, COBOL, and UNIVAC I.

Why is she important to us? Well, we have a habit of naming some of our projects after influential women in tech. And we have been working on a little something nice for the past year that we can’t wait to show you!

For those who are interested in making your smart home easier to control and monitor for everyone in your home, tune in next week on the leap year day, February 29, 2024, at 20:00 GMT / 21:00 CET / 3:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM PT, for a special livestream. We will walk you through the past, present, and future of this special project.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/02/22/what-about-grace-live-stream

Looking forward to seeing this stream.

One of my favorites from Grace: https://youtu.be/ZR0ujwlvbkQ?t=2707


Great lecture!

It’s amazing how all those data and machines that she described in the lecture - the weather machine, the graphics computer, the database computer - can all now mostly be processed and displayed with a tiny box running Home Assistant.

One of the best quotes from her was in some talkshow.
The host asked
“But how did you know so much about computers back then?”
“I didn’t. Nobody did.”


I really appreciate the work the devs do. However having to watch YouTube for an hour or two just grinds my gears.

IMHO just tell us in a blog post. Please.


They always do after the video runs, Nick. It’ll be fine. :sunglasses:

Didn’t make the initial connection to Grace Hopper when this posted on YT. But now I’m a little interested if nothing else how it connects to her…

Oh yes, very interested, and not being critical.

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Yes, we will summarize the whole thing in a blog post after the stream! :grinning: The stream will be comprehensive for those who want to know all the nitty gritty details, and we will try to share our thought process and product decisions openly.


Praying it’s the 2nd most voted for item from Month of “What the heck?!” :crossed_fingers:

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I’m pretty sure they’re replacing YAML with COBOL….




I don’t know what is 2nd most voted for, but if you’re talking about rbac then I’m hoping as well!
Don’t expect it, but hopeful anyway.



Sssssh! Don’t jinx it!

Grandma Cobol!

Take a moment to watch the livestream

Sneak peak


In beta right now


Is it disabled in the mobile app? I’m not able to change anything using that.

Are you using beta?

Yes. Just downloaded it today. I’m seeing the option to add the Sections, but it’s greyed out and I’m getting a message that I can’t enable it because it’s not possible to convert existing pages, even if I create a new dashboard specifically to test it.