What about Grace? Tune in to our special livestream next week!

Are you using layout card? If so, you need to update that, and refresh browser cache

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I had to use the raw editor to change it to type: sections manually, afterwards it behaved like expected :ok_hand:

I had updated layout card, but I hadn’t cleared the app cache. After doing it, it works.

Awesome work there, thanks a lot for this! this really bugged me and this is an impressive :slight_smile:

Very funny stream and Grace project looks really good.

Now you have to make a crossover between Grace chapter and Voice chapter and allow user to configure a dashboard using voice commands :crazy_face:

Thanks NabuTeam!

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The video made me try out the beta tonight.
Literally took me 2 minutes to make a new front dashboard that previously took me ages to complete beforehand, that actually stays put
Most of what I’m trying to achieve works and plays nicely.

Well done team on all who were involved. Some great decision making and features


I love watching the streams.
Even though we have ChatGPT and Google, it never occurred to me to search who Grace Hopper was.
Now i know who she was ! :hugs:

Nice work devteam !
This makes HA more accessible for people who don’t have the skills to program in Yaml but also for more experienced users to build a dashboard rapidly.

I :heart: LOVE :heart: this project. I saw the introduction on YouTube yesterday. It is a big approvement.

You asked for feedback and suggestions. Allow me to add my 2 cents.

The grid is 3 sections horizontally. The amount of horizontaal sections is based on the width of the screen.
If there are 6 sections (2 rows) the layout on a smartphone will be 6 rows.

  • My suggestion is to give the developer the option to convert the rows into tabs.
    In YAML add - tab: and the amount of sections within one -tab: are displayed in a tab.

The advantage is avoiding a long scroll.

I hope my feedback is appreciated and my suggestion implemented. Reach out to me if you have questions.

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I think that we should be able to decide the width of sections. I understand that a width of 4 provides maximum flexibility for responsiveness but, I also think that if we design a dashboard that will only be shown on a larger screen, then wider sections will be useful.

Speaking about Dragons Drop…

Hoy many iterations to allow user to drop an entity and drag it wherever inside a Picture Elements Cards?

I can imagine a tool inside the own Dashboard to draw simple lines as walls, creating a basic floorplan, and then just drag n’ drop entities icons such as bulbs, covers, temperature sensors, … And it will be responsive to different screen sizes.

@madelena you should appear in all Home Assistant streamings, you give the enthusiasm all users are experiencing seeing all these cool stuff.


So true :slight_smile:

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You could finally take a look on /head/title tag to be configured, which is later displayed on the browser tab

What the heck does that mean?

Would be nice if there would be some standard HA tv-remote which you can fill in with your differente mediaplayer and tv entities. I made my own remote in the dashboard but the code is over 2500 lines, and it’s a pain in the ass to change something and it takes a lot of space.
I tried buttons first, but it takes up too much space

now i’m tring a picture entity, and 'm trying to get it nice,

I can select different remotes

or no remote to save space

But it still looks odd because i’m not a designer. Night mode is also nightmare because picture entity doesnt change to night mode. Would be nice if HA has a standard solution for this!

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While it would be nice to have builtin, there is a pretty decent custom card that works for many platforms. When I found it I stopped all my efforts to do what you’re doing.

Firemote does more than just firetv.


And how about passkeys for user authentication? Shouldn’t it be part of next frontend version?

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I totally agree. Having option to convert each section to tab or view in sections will improve flexibility.

Hasn’t happened yet.

Has happened now!


I can see why that took so long to put together :slight_smile:

Thank you all again.