What addons/self-hosted stuff do you use?

I believe so. I’ve heard they only come in pairs, and they always look exactly alike…



Think about JITSY-MEET as a self hosted Voice/Video chat server

All others Matrix/BBB/Mattermost are great but luck the functionality of VOICE+VIDEO, so we can finally have voice chats without having the Big Brother listening to us

works really well

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But I do like the GUI :slight_smile: I’ve set it up and am in the 30-day GUI trial period, works very well so far. I especially like the e-mail notifications, I think it’s worth the initial 20 bucks and 5/year afterwards.

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I struggled with duplicati for about 18 months, and finally had to switch to restic.

Duplicati would require period rebuilds of it’s database, it would lose track of files that it had created and require manual deletes – then finally my hourly backup completely locked out due to daylight savings change! The only way to fix it was to manually recompile duplicati from source with a custom “fix” – the github issue on daylight savings time is over a year old!

It was not a pleasant experience!

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This seemed to diverge but can also atest having issues w/ Duplicati and in particular restoring my HA environment.

I use statping, grafana, influx, healthchecks, pihole, traggo, portainer, motioneye, varken, rocketchat, mysql, mqtt, nodered, draw, nginx, heimdall and a bunch of media apps.
Things that tie into HA more, are statping (just healthcheck), grafana, influx, healthchecks, motioneye, rocketchat, mqtt, nodered, nginx.
Run GaragePi on a seperate Pi via MQTT to HA. It runs on an original first gen rPi
I run selfhosted via docker but (not HASS.IO) on a supermicro 4U rig.

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