What path should I use to access media stored in the shared folder through HA?

I want to make create a card that shows when each of my CTTV cameras was last activated, and the last few snapshots that they took.

I added the following text to my configuration file to allow access to the folder where the images are stored

- /share/snapshots

The files are visible on a samba share with the following path


What path do I need to look in with a picture\gallery card to find those images?

The files need to go in a folder called config/www and they should be accessed with /local/nameoffile.png

What’s the entire path?


if they are in config/www (and that is not \\HOMEASSISTANT\share\snapshots\nameoffile.png. but probably \\HOMEASSISTANT\config\www\nameoffile.png.)


As per my original question, I’m not asking about the WWW folder, I’m asking about the shared folder.

If it’s not visible in this way, do you know what change I need to made in the config file to make it visible?

On my PC it’s…

// being the address of the RPi running HA, obviously.

To access a file in a dashboard, the address is simply /local/nameoffile.png

I don’t think you can make files in the shared folder visible using an URL.

It’s a linux based operating system, so there should simply be a single line of code that tells it each path that is made visible, and what it’s name is.

The trick is finding where this is set in the OS.

Linux or not, you still need a working web server to access files using an URL. And the web server in HA OS does not allow serving files in shared.

The Linux kernal that it’s based on has this feature, it’s just a path in a configuration file. It seems odd that they would specifically remove this feature.

I have been running linux since my first 386DX, never heard of a linux kernel webserver, unless you mean TUX, which is dead.

The server runs on the kernel, the kernel provides the infrastructure to manage the path.

You’d usually use a symbolic link. In a modular system like HA there should be a configuration file somewhere that tells HA which folder will be the WWW folder.

I get what you want to say, but HA does not use a traditional web server. The whole HA system is the web server, the python system just creates web pages on the fly.

It would be a little strange for his to be hard coded when so much else is soft coded.

You can always look in the HA source code, it is available.