What would it require to get the HASSIO add-on store in a normal HA installation?

The HASSIO add-on store is super convenient. As I understand it, HASSIO is virtualizing the add-ons through Docker.

If I’m already running HA in docker, what would it take to integrate similar functionality?

The add-on community store is such an easy way to extend functionality, I really want to use this build, but I don’t want to run HA on a raspi.

Just install hassio?

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But you can’t install HASSIO in Docker since it is using Docker (or something simliar) on top of a super small raspi-optimized OS…at least that’s what I understand from what I’ve read.

I guess you didn’t even click on my link and read?

You can use the installer script, that I linked you directly to, to get hassio running on YOUR docker install.

HASSOS is the OS that runs the normal hassio on pi. It is the Docker host. HASSIO is comprised of 2 containers (Supervisor + modified Home Assistant). You can run hassio in normal Docker, just as the link describes, and lots and lots of people do around here.

No, I did click on your links and have reviewed both of those pages before today as well.

My setup is HA in Docker on Synology NAS, so I haven’t figured out how to get SSH access to that instance. My original question comes from what I was originally testing out the Configurator add-on. I was able to pull down a docker image of that app, run it in Docker, and then add it as a tab in the menu bar within my HA instance.

However, it seems like this process for running a virtual instance of Hassio would require setting up a new VM Fedora. So I’m not following how this would be done within my current Docker instance of HA unless I can figure out how to SSH into it, right?

Still relatively new to linux and docker, so appreciate the pointers. Or am I overlooking something simple and obvious here?

This would have been valuable information to have in the OP.

Not exactly sure how you came to that conclusion, so I guess it’s because you don’t realize your Synology is running Linux already? Have you searched for running Hassio in Synology on the forums? I know I have seen lots of posts on the subject, but since I don’t run a Synology, I don’t keep track of them, or what is required.

Stop thinking about your current HA in Docker. If you want to run hassio, you would have to remove your current container. You don’t do ANYTHING inside the docker containers for this.

A docker container should never contain any data you want to keep. You should have the ability to just delete the container, and fire up a new one. You shouldn’t attempt to install things INSIDE the Docker containers, and you shouldn’t store data in them.

Every add-on is just a Docker container. You could basically achieve everything Hassio does through normal Docker.

Please see this post:

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Appreciate the response and apologies for taking this thread down the wrong path. Definitely didn’t intend for it to become a discussion about installing Hassio on Synology NAS.

This is really what I was getting at in my OP. When I first set up HA, I added the HASS Configurator manually via Docker. Pulled down the docker container from the repository, launched it, and added the panel_iframe to my config.

After seeing how Hassio works with the add-on store, my first thought was if it would be possible to get the Hassio add-on store setup in a similar way. It sounds like I’d have to run Hassio.

So a better question would be about what’s needed to integrate Hassio add-ons in a non-Hassio HA. Preferably via Docker like I did with Hass Configurator.

e.g. the Lovelace Migration add-on is in Docker, but I haven’t figured out how to properly configure it manually as a Docker container with my HA instance like I could for HASS Configurator. Does that make sense?

Nearly every Hassio Add-on is built off a normal docker image. Just use the docker image.

What add-ons do you want to use? Let’s start there. Whatever add-on you want to use, go find the normal docker image for that add-on. Use it.

If you look at the Dockerfile that the add-on uses, you will find this script:


The add-on runs that python script.

I’m missing something here… Where would I see that script? And what do I do with it?

I pulled down the image from the repository, launched the container, but it immediately stops.

I’ve tried this well before today as well, but as I mentioned above, I haven’t figured out how to run any of the add-ons except for the Configurator. Which is why I was trying to see if there was a way to host the add-on store in a non-hassio image to streamline this process.

I merely looked at the code.

inside the lovelace-migration folder is where it builds the docker image. it uses a dockerfile to create that image, I read the dockerfile.

You seem to be wrapped up in the idea of running add-ons. Stop. Find an add-on you want to use. Go grab the NORMAL docker image that it was made from, not the add-on image. Use NORMAL Docker.

Seriously, I don’t understand what’s wrong with the people on this forum about this topic.
I don’t think is that hard to understand that the addons store is super convenient and easy to use. I don’t want to look for the normal container, read the manual, configure it (potentially wrong) and then come back to home assistant a d try to link them, which means setting up ports, user’s, api keys and all that stuff. I don’t want to do any of those when the alternative is to just click a button and it works.
I think it’s understandable that people wants to keep that comfort when they want to upgrade their HA installation.
On the other hand, the OP was right about the assumption that it should be possible to setup hassio on a normal linux machine. At the end of the day it is just a couple of scripts and a docker orchestrator.
So instead of being harsh and trying to impose your point of view (telling people to just use normal docker ) the correct answer would have been to link this guide: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer
Which you did (to an outdated version ) but also linked to the raspberry pi installation guide confusing the OP.

@ziptbm as long as you meet the requirements listed on the guide I posted (a couple of installed packages) you should be able to have a fully featured hassio setup on your machine


Was it outdated a year ago when that was posted? It’s easy to criticise someone wanting to help but that was a year ago and no doubt the OP has either worked it out or moved on by now.

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It IS!!

Like you said, it is literally just running this set of commands on any linux machine.

I think the real problem is that way too many people confuse HassOS and HassIO. Or worse, think that it can only be run on a RasPI.

These are all different things. I’ll try to outline them below-

HassOS is a minimal linux install which has Docker on it, with HassIO preinstalled. It runs headless, which is to say that that computer running it has no GUI (if you attach your RasPi to a monitor, it won’t give you an interface to use. HassOS can be installed on more than just a Raspberry Pi though, It can be installed as the base OS on many systems, but if you have a more powerful machine I would recommend just HassIO so you can still use the machine for other things.

HassIO is a way of installing Home-Assistant inside docker. It includes a supervisor container and a container running Home Assistant. It allows you to install AddOns which are separate docker containers. The supervisor container of HassIO takes care of managing the other containers used for home assistant.
You can also add your own containers to Docker without HassIO caring about them.
You can run HassIO on a linux install that has a GUI, or one that is headless; in either case you can still use this computer to do other things, with docker running in the background.

Home-Assistant is the specific python program. This is what’s actually running at the core of every HA install.

Hassbian is a SD card disk image which is a Raspbian installation with home Assistant in Virtual Environment, pre-installed.

So, to summarize, the most popular install on a RasPi is HassOS, which is:

On other devices (such as desktops, laptops, servers, NUCs), HassIO is the popular choice, which is:

If you’re using Hassbian, that’s:


The installer was changed a few months ago. I’m not going to go back and change every post I’ve ever made on the subject to point to the new link.

This particular part was not criticism, it was just a fact. Maybe I should have added outdated by now, but in general that was the less important part since the link contains a readme that points to the newest version.

The thing is that, looking for this same question around the internet I ended on this same forum and I always saw the same answers (in several different threads), which in summary were:

Forget about addons, just do it all manually, why is this so hard to understand to all of you? Stop asking!

In fact, the first answer of @flamingm0e was

Followed by a link to the normal hassio installation (increasing confusion), like if it were super obvious and the OP was asking something stupid, which is not. The original question was clear and it is not something that is well explained on the main page of HA, you have to dig through several different repos, instructions and possible ways of doing things until you found the only one that is the correct answer to this question. That is not very friendly for newcomers to HA, specially those that does not have linux experience.

The answer @Silicon_Avatar gave is the best I saw on the entire internet so far, and I’m 99% sure that that was the answer all those persons asking this same question were looking for.

You (meaning several of you, not all of you) may be tired of seeing this question,but that is because it was never properly answered.

Thanks @Silicon_Avatar for the great clarification, I’m pretty sure it will help many people looking for this same setup, which is the natural evolution after using it on a rpi.


Just to add another variation in this topic:

Run Hassio on Synology NAS.

Still in test phase.

The installation instructions are there in the link… Even the generic Linux install instructions

You sir are a life savior.

thank you

Run Hassio on Synology NAS.

I’m sorry if I have repeated myself, but Add support for Hass.io by fredrike · Pull Request #3732 · SynoCommunity/spksrc · GitHub shows some serious effort in making hassio supervisor a drop-in SPK for Synology, which means hassio is a basic “install the package from the list”. Sure, it needs some time (~10 min) to collect everything, but that’s automatic and hands-off. It’s limited to x86 -based architecture though.

@ziptbm - did you ever get this working without using HASSIO supervisor?

I would like to do the same thing. I have Ubuntu setup with Docker. I can run homeassistant. I can run supervisor as well which will manage everything. I would like to learn more about Docker and want to run the addons manually if I can to learn more about the inner workings.

If it comes down to it then I can just run the supervised setup (easiest) but if I can learn to do it manually and how it all works then I can understand it better.
