What's going wrong here? Lamp does not respond to button (lidl smart button)

alias: SilverCrest/LIVARNO Smart Button - V2023.02.09
description: Button 1
  path: sandervv/SilverCrest LIVARNO Button Config.yaml
    remote: a0fa6c1ee296e5fbc9b9a85bfdd39463
      - type: turn_on
        device_id: bd49bcfd3c0056bb2d095b4e3f6aee3a
        entity_id: 7708de90cacebcb14f79c62b33b6d665
        domain: light
        flash: short
      - type: turn_off
        device_id: bd49bcfd3c0056bb2d095b4e3f6aee3a
        entity_id: 7708de90cacebcb14f79c62b33b6d665
        domain: light
      - device_id: bd49bcfd3c0056bb2d095b4e3f6aee3a
        domain: light
        entity_id: 7708de90cacebcb14f79c62b33b6d665
        type: brightness_increase
      - device_id: bd49bcfd3c0056bb2d095b4e3f6aee3a
        domain: light
        entity_id: 7708de90cacebcb14f79c62b33b6d665
        type: brightness_decrease

What have you tried, already?

the button reconfigured. When I execute, the lamp comes on, but the buttom does not work.

Does anyone else have an idea?

I’m not sure what you mean by “the button does not work”? The lamp turns on, so the button did its job? :slight_smile:

Another thing, just for future reference, device_ids aren’t really useful. See here, on how to avoid these:

I have tried everything to get the lidl smart button working without success. I have now purchased the Sonoff button and no problems with it. Thanks again.