They are available now.
in a EU shop or a shop which is declairing VAT?
You could ask/search on the QuinLED Discord server.
If there’s not something existing they may think about a new distribution channel to reduce costs to EU?
There’s even a “Dutch chat” channel on the server, so they might know…
Isn’t that all a bit weird? Both QuinLED (in the Netherlands) and the mother company of Allnet China (in Germany) are EU based. Shouldn’t they have thought about a EU distribution channel already, without requiring our external input?
I guess so. Yeah fair enough. I didn’t know that context.
Anyway, doesn’t hurt to ask the same question over there - probably more EU QuinLED users over there.
Hey @JetSerge and others. I wanted to give a quick update.
My go-to ESP32 is the M5Stamp C3U now.
It is small, convenient, and pretty. Perfect for most simple use cases (your typical sensor/actor node).
name: testing-esp
friendly_name: Testing ESP
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
The company behind this series is fast. There is once again a newer product listed on their webpage: M5Stamp ESP32S3 Module | m5stack-store
Lolin/Wemos ESP32S3 mini - lots of IO, S3 - psram, fast like sanic, onboard RGB led. My go-to.
Does anyone have experience with the Bee S3? It is open hardware, which is always nice to see, and looks pretty interesting. The same developer also has a version with a PIR sensor already on it and a “data logger” version, though these other two are significantly more expensive, maybe party due to the support for LiPo charging. Anyway, I wonder how well they would work in esphome - I assume it would be easy enough since it has a library for Arduino.
Does anyone have recommendations for a good module with an ESP32-C6 or H2? I’m curious to try out the Zigbee capabilities.
I guess the first step for you would be then to add ZigBee support for esphome.
Ah, of course - I guess these are new enough that ESPHome doesn’t support it yet anyway…
If you want to use the zigbee capabilities you probably need to go C++.
This sounds really promising for solar powered projects, but the gadget is not yet available:
Anyone care to share experiences of using a small footprint ESP32 that has a UART and I2C or UART and I2S, plus 6 GPIO pins. Working on WiFi and powered by 5V.
I’ve tried the Seeed Studio Xiao ESP32C3 but with very mixed results so looking for an alternative.
I recall seeing TinyPico’s were getting good reviews for a while.
Not sure if things have moved on.
I have been playing with the ESP32-C3 Super Mini, the chip antenna is a bit less sensitive than other types but it seems to work fine. Then again sometimes the C3 is just a pain to get working for no apparent reason.
Can’t add an image at the moment, but here is the item on the Tasmota site.
That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
What’s your issue with the ESP32-C3? Unproblematic with ESPHome from my experience.
@gaz99 Do you mind saying what interfaces you’ve got running, or have had success in running? On the Xiao C3 I’ve had trouble with anything that requires a UART, evenually got a combination that works with UART and GPIO but not with UART and I2C or with UART and I2S.
I looked at the SuperMini-ESP32-C3 previously, but can’t remember now why I went for the Xiao C3. Maybe need to try it and see?
I have a $2 C3 SuperMini running Upsy Desky (standing desk automation with a web server), plus ble_client/esp32_ble_tracker with 3 devices. No issues so far. It even somehow works with non-level shifted 5V on GPIO without burning.