When add device_tracker: - platform: owntracks HA can't reload

ive configured the mqtt cloud service to integrate with HA and localize my device.
The device send the position to mqtt cloud withoup problem burt when add the configuration in configuration.yaml i’m unable to reload HA

The configuration need 2 block
The first is this:


broker: nome_server #tipo m20.cloudmqtt.com

port: 24322

username: !secret mqtt_username

password: !secret mqtt_password

If check the configuration from HA is ok and if reload the HA all works.

The second problemartic block is this


-platform: owntracks

max_gps_accuracy: 100

If i check the confi it’s ok but when reload the log still in pending and HA not run

Any Idea?

There is no such thing as

  - platform: owntracks
    max_gps_accuracy: 100


Check the docs for owntracks.

you’re right, i’ve just tried to delete the lines of device tracker and the tracking system works perfectly…