When will there be an official Home Assistant for Android app???

For now, sure. Will make a thread in the next few days in the Android forum which will be the place for updates.


Hooray, I’m very excited for this! I always thought there was a good niche spot for an official app and am looking forward to using it!

please give us link to this thread…


Extremely interested since I use android…

follow :slight_smile:

Keep an eye out here I think https://community.home-assistant.io/c/mobile-apps/android-companion

Just saying you didn’t have to get a Pixel 3, a pixel 1 for $200 will officially run the latest Android.

Any news about some beta…

Someone should close this thread.

Why should close?

When its ready.
The developer Robbie has had a death of a family member recently so is probably taking time out to deal with that

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The mobile web does not integrate device information. Using the app for presence detection, accessing device sensor states, cameras etc. There are lots of reasons for an app.

Ariela do already all these things, so until an official app is available you can use it :smiley:

Try homehabit on Google store …

Couple questions on the HA Mobile App for Android from Google Play store.

  1. Will “Push” notification pop up if an event/alert is triggered? (separate from HTML5).
    If yes, will this replace Pushover and other variant notification integrations?

  2. Geofencing capability? If so, how will this play with multiple devices?

  3. Real-time location ? (similar to Google tracking but would replace Google tracking)

I don’t see them ever replacing the notification options, only adding to them.

location tracking is already implemented, albeit with some issues right now apparently with updating frequently enough.

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If yes, will this replace Pushover and other variant notification integrations?

I don’t see them ever replacing the notification options, only adding to them.

Apology for not being clear enough.

Can the HA App be used for Push notifications instead of Pushover or other variant notification integrations? Basically, if I wanted to disable Pushover, will HA App provide the same functionality?

I think that is their plan, but I don’t know. I can’t imagine them NOT implementing that feature.

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This is great news the app now support Push Notification and tracking. No longer need Google tracking or Pushover app.

New feature request for the app:

  1. Include the ability for Tracking Update time intervals. i.e. 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, etc, etc. (Unless its already built in. If so, what is the default?)

  2. Include the ability for the app to know when the phone is on the home Wifi network.

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