Where did this huge file come from?

I was doing a file backup of my config folder like I do every few days (tho this one got delayed a bit…) and as I was waiting for the transfer to complete I noticed it was taking a really loooong time.

Then I noticed that the file it was transferring was a file named ‘core’ and it was almost 4gb in size!!

Does anyone have any idea where that came from, why it’s there and most importantly why the %#$ it’s so $%$# big?

It sounds like a Linux process core file:

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Hmmm, you may be right.

It seems like a strange place for that file to end up tho - buried deep into my docker configuration directory for HA. I would have thought it would have been stored in some sort of system directory somewhere instead of there.

Thanks for the info.

Also, Now that you mentioned that I remembered something from a while back and when I did a search I found I had that same issue a year ago:

Getting old sucks! My memory sucks! :laughing:

At least I know I can delete it safely.