Where is the Home Assistant Supervisor /data directory located?

Version 2023.9.0 of ESPHome introduced the change #5374 to now use the /data directory for the .esphome folder.
This /data directory should be a mount provided by Home Assistant Supervisor.
After installation of version 2023.9.0 (and now also 2023.9.1) the /config/esphome/.esphome folder indeed has disappeared, and everything still works as normal, but I don’t understand where this /data directory is located.
I cannot find this /data directory anywhere in my HA installation, not via the samba share nor in the terminal prompt.
Can someone please explain how this works and how I can access this new location?

Same question here. Would be nice if it would show up in Samba.

I am not sure if this is what you are refering to but if you use “File Editor” and go one step further back than the config/ folder so just the /, I have a folder there called data/.

This is also how I interpret the change log which states:
"The /config/esphome/.esphome folder has been removed and replaced with /data"(source).

Can you check if you also have a /data folder at the same level as the config/ folder?

Thanks, but I already did look there, and I don’t have this folder in the /root:


There are some mounts shown to a /data/ folder (.gitconfig and .ssh), but it is not clear to me where this /data/ folder is in my installation.

And in File Editor I cannot go level up from the /config directory (at least I don’t know how to do that).

Ah! I thought that the /root directory was the root (so top level), but it appears I can go up one more level:

And there I see a /data directory, but in that directory there is no esphome data to be found?


So is this the /data directory where they are referring to?

If you go (using chrome desktop browser) to Settings → Add-ons → File editor → Configuration (at the top) → Enforce Basepath → turn off
You can view all directories without having to use the terminal.

WARNING These system files are not supposed to be edited, don’t make changes to any of these files if you don’t know what you are doing as it can completely break/brick home assistant!

But if you just want to see what is/isn’t there this will let you do so more easily (atleast if, like me, you are not super familiar with console commands :sweat_smile:).

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Yes that is the directory I also found that seemed like the most likely candidate. However, like you mine is pretty much empty, only an options.json file in there.
What specific files are you looking for? I can have a look in my system if I can find anything.

For my system, my .yaml ESPHome files are still in /config/esphome/ and my esphome.xxxxxxx files are in /config/.storage.

I Have:
ESPHome 2023.9.1

Home Assistant 2023.9.3
Supervisor 2023.09.2
Operating System 10.5
Frontend 20230911.0 - latest

Thanks! I wasn’t aware of that option.

Currently I don’t need access to that old .esphome folder at all, but I seem to remember that I needed to go in there a while ago to fix some problems I had with ESPHome.
Doesn’t that folder contain all the downloaded source code for all the ESPHome installations?
This is stated on Github #5374:
“The reason for this change was that the build folder, external_components, packages, fonts etc were all being placed into that directory casuing the Home Assistant Core Backup to increase in size unnecessarily.”

I haven’t updated ESPHome to 9.1 yet, but I’m following this.

I use ESPHome on my laptop so I don’t have to compile in HA, but I still use the ESPHome HA integration. This means I end up copying files between ESPHome on my laptop and the config/esphome directory, to keep them in sync.

If the new .esphome directory is not available via SMB, this is going to be very inconvenient.

Hi I am very curious if anyone found a /data folder that actually has the ESPHome data.

I am trying to compile an ESP32 image using the TFT_eSPI library and it +/- works except this library has a config file within its directory structure where you need to specify which driver you need in your setup.

As I am unable to find the path where this library is loaded I have no option to change the config file…

I found the /data directory in the root but there is no trace of ESPHome in there. On the contrary, the “build” structure is still in the config/esphome/.esphome folder, and the custom component .h file is well copied there, however, no trace of the library files…

I would also be interested. I also couldn’t find a data folder anywhere that has anything from esp

We need access to that directory, as sometimes it’s good to manually delete the ESPHome cached data.

Same here.

Use file browser addon to find it

you don’t need the ESPhome addon if you are compiling on Windows/Linux/Mac. ESphome integration is separate from esphome addon.


Can you please show where you found the Home Assistant Supervisor /data directory using this File browser addon?

is this enabled for you guys?

quite easy to find.
here it is

@yousaf465 that’s not what’s being asked here

as per jessie code owner of esphome.

It's generated data for esphome. 
If you need to mess with that files in there, you should be using a local install, not the ha add-on