Which US Weather Service Do You Use

What weather service are you using to get your weather in the US? OpenMapWeather, National Weather Service, or AccuWeather? I’m running all three currently not sure which one to stick with in the long term.

I passed on all three of those. OpenWeatherMap isn’t open anymore (at least when I tried it you have to give them a credit card to use the new API, even if you never reach the charge limit), AccuWeather isn’t really free either, and I could never get NWS configured to expose the data in a way that made sense to me. I finally went with this one:

It provides US data and seems to be about as accurate as anything else I tried and has the data I want in a format that is useful to me. Plus I didn’t have to sign up for anything or given anyone a credit card.


For situations like that, I use this:

I use NWS. Seems to be pretty good most of the time, although their servers can be a bit glitchy once in a while. It’s free and it’s the source most weather apps use anyway. I’ve found it to be as accurate as any other. It’s weather. If you expect 100% accurate long-term forecasts you’re going to be disappointed no matter which one you choose.

I used to use the NWS integration along with a multi-scrape sensor for my local airport official NWS weather station data. About 3 months ago it suddenly stopped working. I eventually contacted the NWS and their response was that most (all?) weather stations are operated and maintained by the local entity (in this case the local airport) and not the NWS so there wasn’t anything they could do nor had any idea when it might be back up.

I haven’t contacted the local airport yet.

But I use 4 other weather services (weather.com, accuweather, pirateweather and openweathermap). I figure between the 4 of them I should be able to get a good idea of the weather. Or maybe I could just walk outside…nah… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I also use this project to create a combined weather entity from the others as inputs:

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Amazing this for sharing I’ll check out the project for sure.

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