Which washing machines are recommended with HA?

Looks like it is a time for a new washing machine. Which brands or systems are known to integrate nicely with HA and hence preferred choices? Which I should definitely avoid?

Personally, not sure what you want to integrate with a washing machine.

We just bought a new washer/dryer. That part never entered my mind.

Just like it would not be a thought for me if getting a new toilet.

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We bought a Bosh a few years ago.
The Home connect integration isn’t great, but there is an alternative in HACS that works better.

We use the integration to notify when it’s done.
If it’s supposed to hang dry, it will turn on the dehumidifier automatically.

We don’t start the machine with HA, we could but we just don’t.
If I want to delay the start of the machine then I use the app for the machine since I haven’t made a dashboard for these controls.
I probably will never do it either.

Was it worth it…
Well I honestly don’t know.
You could get a similar feature with a power meeter socket and a door switch.
We use the remote start a few times a year, and that is a great thing.
We just load the machine and go to some relatives birthday and when we know it’s nearing the end we just hit start.
I believe a smart washing machine is far more useful than a smart dryer or smart dishwasher.

I use LG. The HACS " LG ThinQ Devices integration for HomeAssistant" is rock solid.
We would often run a clothes load in the evening and forget to empty after cycle ends, often more than a day :no_mouth:
Wet clothes in a sealed tub make for some funky smells.
Now, after the end of cycle (or the occasional cycle error), we get a voice notification and an alert to our phones.
Many sensors are made available by the integration.


We also use LG. There’s probably much more that I can do with the integration, but all I wanted was to know when the washer/dryer were finished.

Here is my automation:

alias: Dryer is finished
description: Notify when the dryer is finished
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.dryer_dry_completed
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - data:
      message: The dryer is finished
    action: notify.alexa_media_stephen
  - data:
      message: The dryer is finished
    action: notify.alexa_media_kimberly
mode: single

I just use a regular non-smart washing machine with a power monitoring socket and a zigbee door contact. This is enough to give me a notification when it finishes a wash which is all I see is of any real benefit.

On top of that I stuck two NFC tags on the washing liquid and fabric softener drawer. Scanning one adds washing liquid to my shopping list and the other fabric softener.

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Smart toilet would actually be more interesting than washing machine.
Just wifi and some optical sensor to sense what’s entering to automate fan, small/big flush, reminder to drink more, alarm for inhibited material etc. :wink:

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LOL, yeah. But of course it would be a cloud-based integration. That way Amazon could suggest I purchase foods with more fiber, or re-order toilet paper, or … I better stop there.

But seriously, that does bring up the point of local vs. cloud solutions. Smart devices like washing machines or refrigerators are great in concept. But if (as I assume) they all want me to use their cloud, and lock me in to their ecosystem, I’m not really interested.

Oh shit! Toilet not flushing because some huanghong cloud is down… :dizzy_face:

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We use Bosch/Siemens/Neff machines. They all use the same Home Connect app. I second the recommendation to not use the “official” Home Connect integration but rather the “Home Connect Alt” integration which is perfect and in my opinion should replace the official integration.

I use it to:

  • display the remaining washing machine/dishwasher time in HA
  • automatically start my favorite program when the dishwasher is turned on and the door is closed
  • start the circulation pump 30mins before the dishwasher starts (it is connected to warm water)

Nothing I could not live without, but still nice to have…

For washing machines Miele rules them all in my opinion. But also pricewise.

Topics like this come up all the time and I always answer them the same: get the appliance you want that serves you best, make it smarter afterwards.

The appliances that have smart capabilities, particularly those with integrations, are few and far between and your selection is quite limited and you might get an appliance that sucks but has a nice smart capability - which doesn’t make sense.

On my very dumb washer and dryer I have smart plugs and vibration sensors to know when they are running or done. If I wanted a timer I would time the load and run one, but since I already voice announce and text when the washer or dryer are done I haven’t found a need.

The tough part is the dishwasher and starting the circulation pump - but I suspect something that specific won’t exist on the vast majority of smart devices and you might end up just doing your own thing anyway (ESP maybe).

Matter came with home appliances as part of the protocol in the last update.
I do not know what is available currently, but the standard is there and its local and integrated well into HA.

Read the audience. We are not their audience. They use cloud apps because it is almost easy for the user to connect the appliance to their smart phone. If the manufacturer provides an API, which would be needed to integrate into Home Assistant, they are not trying to lock you into their brand.

I am still skeptical of Matter devices. I would bet a lunch that as manufacturers are adding matter to their products, they are engineering a way to keep their users in the family. Maybe just the essentials on any Matter host, but if you use our host, you will get more features.

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I use a Miele washing machine with Miele HACS integration a few years now

There’s another thread here talking about how Matter devices can - and apparently usually do - require a cloud connection. My expectation is that if the standard allows that, the manufacturers will require it.

And, no, I’m not the target demographic. I’ve known that for a long time.

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Matter should not require a cloud connection.
It is touted as the solution against vendor dependencies on cloud services.

I think, for most of us Shelly plus 1 PM together with dumb but reliable washing machine is still the best solution. Am I wrong?

That’s interesting. There seemed to be some debate on that point over on this thread:

Anything that uses the hOn platform - that is Hoover, Candy, Haier. There is a good custom integration in HACS, but the company is determined to stop it working.