Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) šŸ¤·

I would love to see them implement this.

Iā€™m going to ping @MissyQ in case this is something they want to look at when they get to here on the priority list.

I like never use mobile so I donā€™t care, but I know they are collecting dataā€¦


4 posts were split to a new topic: Best way to automate

My favorite time of year, snowā€™s melted, temperatures are rising and my automowers are due to come out of hibernation so my dashboard wonā€™t have unavailable devices much longer! :slight_smile:

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Use this to tidy it up:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Best way to automate

ā€¦ sorry for you losses man!
I know my, or anyone elseā€™s, words does not make your feeling go away.

So why am I responding then.
Well, your world has stopped turning and to many people nothing has changed.
In the beginning you get a lot empathy but for out standers, things go back to normal, sometimes very fast and your loss becomes like a ā€˜fait diversā€™ for others whereas, for you, nothing is the same anymore.

Having to say goodbye to our parents can be easier because thatā€™s how it goes.
Loosing a childā€¦ that should not happen!

Wishing you the strength to go on and also find some memories that eases your loss!


I can write this down for sure. At a glance I am not sure if it will solve problems being talked about here, and it seems itā€™s not a good thing for admin features, but always good to look at options and compare!

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grumble grumble grumble Just walk away Billā€¦ walk awayā€¦


My tongue is still bleeding. I thought I handled it okay?


You did a lot better than I was going to. :rofl:

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Iron fist, velvet glove :grinning:

Remember that link points back hereā€¦


Forgot all about thatā€¦ derp.

It killed the link flag as well, so good to know.

Weā€™ll have to figure out an alternate way to do a linkā€¦



Alright, if you want to do a stealth link, you can use the:


It looks like it puts single quotes around it, will have to copy-paste it to make it show, but it doesnā€™t tie the link back here.

I wikiā€™ed this post so you can see it in the edit screen.

That is not back-linked to here.


You have no idea how much I appreciate you. lol

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I was the one that pulled that other person in here that way, so passing on the knowledge.
Big mistakes are hard to forget.

I know the cows have left the building, but I did just close that particular barn door that way just now.


Eh, poop happens. :joy:

Fascinating animation here, if you havenā€™t seen it already. The development of HA 2013-2021.


Might answer a lot of questions for the next oneā€¦


On 2015.02.05 thereā€™s a Big Bang moment that turns the project into a beehive. Things grow exponentially leading to another explosion on 2019.02 when it becomes a full on binary system. Ending with an apparent stabilization starting on 2021.01, when thereā€™s just so much activity that itā€™s all a couple of frantically shinning suns.