Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) 🤷

Oh, I 100% agree with that. Hell, if I knew that was an option, I would have pulled her in to the thread in question.

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We didn’t have this option until recently. Please do keep it in mind.


NGL, this is one of the many things I love about HA growing as it is. Having an actual social media manager and all the people working at NC now has really made HA more than just a “hobby project” imho.


Man, I was trying to figure out what everyone was responding to and then I remembered I had Taras on ignore…

… Kidding. :wink:


I can’t +1 this one enough… I know what her prior role was. She is 100% equipped to handle it and then some…


I don’t know what this was but I’m glad I missed it. (And Don’t want to know)
I’ve lost 5 friends from The adult Muscular Dystrophy camp since December (One on Sunday).
I also lost My Daughter, and my Mom this year.
And today would be my Daughters Birthday…
This tends to put things in prospective. I really don’t have time for a-holes right now.
I would have probably crucified the person if they ticked me off…

Just trying to stay busy and out of trouble right now.

If someone sees me over reacting please call me on it.


So sorry for your losses. That’s tough. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. :disappointed: I hope you can find some peace through all of it.

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You reminded me of something I read recently. The person claimed that they frequently blocked others. The retort was “So you’re shadow banning yourself?”


I haven’t used the Discourse feature to block anybody. I keep a mental list. It’s just my preference. I feel it would be unfair to block someone permanently when they could change. If they’re blocked you wouldn’t see that change. It does make it a lot harder to not engage. That said, this not a criticism towards anybody that does use a block list. Maybe if it gets bad enough I might just use it.


I have a single account on my block list :slight_smile:


Like they’ve never made any decisions that were bad or got questioned. It’s this attitude that I perceive as arrogant that means I won’t appoint such a person at work (I handle lots of appointments). Of course, all software has a history and things you probably would’ve done differently if you had the chance. The truth is that large, complex software systems are built on a handful of assumptions (fundamental design decisions). Changing these are typically near impossible or extremely hard to change without a rewrite. For HA, I think an example would be e.g. the state machine (which seems well-built, mind you). A professional should understand this and should’ve learned strategies to improve things and pick their battles.

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My heartfelt condolences. That must be extremely tough. Take care.


I’ve tried every single tactic to appease these types of people. The only thing that works every time is to not engage.


Ditto for memorable account names … and a text file for the more cryptic ones.

The fact that an Ignored feature exists in Discourse means its designers understand how uncivil a discussion can become and how relentlessly single-minded a person can be.


Discord has notes you can put on people. It would be real nice if we could have notes for other users that are just for us on Discourse.

I use this on discord all the time to mark people who behave certain ways. Next time I see the name and remember the name, I just check the notes. I then decide to engage or not.


That feature reminds me of something a comedian said. All drivers should have rubber dart guns. Whenever you encounter someone on the road who’s an a-hole, you tag their car with a rubber dart. The cops pull over cars with the most darts.


“Those are not ghosts”? What are they?


They are snow piles with glowing LED eyes. Tom spends 6 months of the year in Antarctica doing research or something. He gets bored on his free time.


Wow! I like how my assumptions are destroyed by such cool info. :slightly_smiling_face: