Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) 🤷

How quite it suddenly became here
Busy with Labeling or " Why do my weather integration don’t work anymore" ?


Stop judging me for having a clean HA instance! (lol I’m really enjoying the new labels though).


Yeah, i didn’t planned to sit +2 days traversing my entities/automations etc. but it’s been “exiting” , damn i feel like a “nerd” now :laughing:


Oh yeah, I still have at least 2-3 days left to get everything organized. I did manage to finish my automations and scripts at least. But my entities… DAMN YOU DEVS FOR GIVING ME MORE WORK! lol :rofl:


So you seriously means you won’t get “new” ideas, coming 2-3 ? :smile:

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I don’t think I’m even going to bother. Don’t see a need.

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The one thing I love it being able to target labels in automations and scripts. For me, that solves quite a few annoyances I had.

Another " in favor " replace a bunch of of “mixed old-style-yaml” groups

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Same here, I’ve also found in the end some automations that were hopelessly wrong and some also very obsolete. House cleaning was needed :rofl:


A new topic…

I’ve noticed this several times: a newcomer to HA, with lots of professional IT experience, joins the forum and posts a couple of questions in which they have clearly got the wrong end of the stick about a lot of things. Then within days they start on the “what rubbish it all is…” rant.

How to deal with this? Ignore completely? Friendly responses with lots of emojis? Calm explanations? Tell them what to do with their Raspberry Pi (different emojis)?

Personally I find gentle mockery hard to resist - which makes them crosser, of course.


I feel your pain and I think I was a part of that quagmire.

Having thought about my response and reading others, I think I was too hostile. I said one thing but wish I had asked more questions.

Still thinking about it…


I just answer their questions as best I can while supporting HA (or other technology). When they get too cross, I stop responding.

Hahaha… I know exactly what thread you are talking about too. :rofl:


I guess we’ll never get around that we are humans too, so sometimes our mood “dictates” our responds, and in my opinion some are “asking for it” , And that’s when one should consider “backing out” ( maybe after a short while of “fun” ) :laughing:


That’s me. Or… maybe me? I don’t know how much is “lots”, but I guess I have “a little bit” :wink:

I can argue all day how it’s not me, it’s HA that’s got it wrong :smiley:

I don’t know. 5 stages of death.

At first I thought things must be different, I just need to learn more (denial).
Later I became angry at things.
Now I’m at bargaining.
Please await my depression and final acceptance :wink:


If they can’t be steered away from ranting, and focus on the underlying pain point, I cease spending my free time with them.

In case anyone thinks Regulars don’t keep an “Ignore” list, they’re wrong.


Wow! Is that a Discourse feature? Where do I find it? :rofl:

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Discourse offers it in your profile under Preferences > Users > Ignored.

You need to acknowledge their frustration. Empathise with them about your first experiences understanding a new and complex system and then try to put them on the right path. If they do not respond appropriately refer MIssy (nc social media manager) to the topic. She’s great at this sort of thing.


I never knew that was even an option. LOVE the suggestion.

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Sometimes getting a personal message from further up the “chain of command” is all they need to feel that they are being taken seriously.