Why are people asking the same questions over and over again? (Or the Regulars' Chatroom) šŸ¤·

Ive never seen this or used thisā€¦ I presume this lets a person keep personal notes about someone elseā€¦ but you said ā€œjust for usā€ā€¦ I would be super interested in seeing the notes yā€™all have noted for any particular user. that would be quite telling!

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I fail to believe that they are experienced, and would recommend they change job.
Flower arranger or somethingā€¦


Double arrrrrgh! :scream: Not only do they talk about us, they make notes!


I have worked (and still do) my whole life in IT, and I realize there is more I donā€™t know about, than what I do.


What tools are you using to interact with the forum? Just the browser? Are there any useful desktop and mobile apps?

But maybe it is also how the new generation works (says the old fart).

If there is something I donā€™t know about that I need, I learn it until I do know enough.
And that doesnā€™t seem to happen a lot anymore nowadays :thinking:

I do agree, HA can be a steep learning curve, but it is learnableā€¦


Thereā€™s an Android app called Discourse Hub, but I canā€™t get it to work. Nor can anyone else, apparently - its average review rating is 1.5 stars.



Thereā€™s an open source project called Lexicon.

I think the idea is to allow the operators of Discourse forums to publish their own app (itā€™s all a bit above my pay grade). That would be pretty cool, though, wouldnā€™t it?

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I would love to see them implement this.

Iā€™m going to ping @MissyQ in case this is something they want to look at when they get to here on the priority list.

I like never use mobile so I donā€™t care, but I know they are collecting dataā€¦


4 posts were split to a new topic: Best way to automate

My favorite time of year, snowā€™s melted, temperatures are rising and my automowers are due to come out of hibernation so my dashboard wonā€™t have unavailable devices much longer! :slight_smile:

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Use this to tidy it up:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Best way to automate

ā€¦ sorry for you losses man!
I know my, or anyone elseā€™s, words does not make your feeling go away.

So why am I responding then.
Well, your world has stopped turning and to many people nothing has changed.
In the beginning you get a lot empathy but for out standers, things go back to normal, sometimes very fast and your loss becomes like a ā€˜fait diversā€™ for others whereas, for you, nothing is the same anymore.

Having to say goodbye to our parents can be easier because thatā€™s how it goes.
Loosing a childā€¦ that should not happen!

Wishing you the strength to go on and also find some memories that eases your loss!


I can write this down for sure. At a glance I am not sure if it will solve problems being talked about here, and it seems itā€™s not a good thing for admin features, but always good to look at options and compare!

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grumble grumble grumble Just walk away Billā€¦ walk awayā€¦


My tongue is still bleeding. I thought I handled it okay?


You did a lot better than I was going to. :rofl:

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Iron fist, velvet glove :grinning: