Why are there sometimes two graphs for one sensor displayed?

Ok, That’s today’s date.

I just noticed something. Look closely at the upper graph. It’s not updating after about 1:30pm. Right about the time the lower graph starts. Something definitely changed at about 1:30pm today.

Yes, same behavior when the second graph appeared last time.
BUT: Why was the graph gone for a while as shown some threads above?! Very strange, because - as for my understanding - the graph show data from a database which isn’t changed afterwards…

I’ve seen similar things sometimes as well.

I have a bunch of Aqara temperature sensors and sometimes the same sensor results in two graphs as well.
One of them shows the temperature in F, the other one claims it shows it in °C - with the number actually being the same as in the Fahrenheit graph. Puzzled me for a while, and I put it down to the fact that the sensor reports the value in Celsius only (as I can see it in the MQTT messages), but my HA install is set up to display it in F, so HA is converting it.

Nevertheless, after a day or two, it went away I and never saw it again.

Actually, @hajo62, looking at the timelines of the first and the last graphs you’re showing, this seems to only happen for short periods of times.


@chairstacker: Those sensors are connected via zigbee? Are you going with a zigbee stick, or do you still run zigbee controlled by its one hub? If stick which and does it work well?

At the moment I’m with z-wave, but those sensors are sensational cheep. Haven’t found comparable sensors in z-wave…

I’m running the zigbee2mqtt gateway on a CC2531 as shown here:

Sound’s great.
And I do not need a zigbee gateway to configure those devices?
Just by the stick and a sensor (together for around 25€) and connect to Home Assistant via mgtt?

Yup - you need a little more kit to program the stick, though.
But all in all, not that expensive - and re-usable :+1: