I’ve got slightly unusual (for a 25 year old house in the UK) 3 wire system with neutral at the switch - bonus! However when I wired up this SONOFF ZBMini module, I can’t get it to work reliably. ZHA pairing finds it almost instantly. Everything works OK initially but about 2-5 minutes after pairing I get the following events, and the module becomes unusable until I re-pair it, and then it stops working again after a few minutes.
Well if you get it paired, then stick it in the metal box in the wall, and it looses it, you have a weak mesh network and need more routing nodes closer to the switch(s).
Here are a few posts about helping your mesh zigbee network with devices that fall off the mesh.
Appreciate that thank you. I should have said - this is while I’m testing it so all the guts are still hanging out of the wall rather than put back in the box.
Also should have said - this is in the same room as the zigbee gateway (Sonoff Zigbee Dongle-P)!