I had to choose the correct version of the boot eeprom to install.
sudo nano /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update
Jumping from “default”, “stable”, "critical and “beta”
Flashing with :
sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -a
And I finally succeeded in flashing the boot EEPROM by playing with “critical” or “beta” in place of “stable”, and forcing a specific version.
Here again, it works, but finally, I don’t know why as I made so many attempts, maybe is the latest action that solved the “boot order” problem, or flashing to another version before reflashing to the current.
Installing HassOS is indeed peace of cake.
The problem comes with all what you have to install to get things working together.
I reinstall it from scratch.
I still have a Raspberry running :
RFX used with NodeRed
BlueTooth using NodeRed
Z-Wave using NodeRed
I would like to use only ONE raspberry, and use its 1TB SSD to store and analyze my router’s activities (in and outging sessions, …), install MariaDB, Grafana, … but all of these have to be accessible from my LAN, even from WAN using a VPN connection in parallel with DuckDNS
If I use Docker inside HA, how can all the containers communicate with outside world and how can my LAN devices (PC, …) communicate with them ?
Maybe I’ll have to upgrade to a more powerful server (NUC or something else), but I first have to validate all of this infrastructure before
No shit, really? Inbetween the tons of useless guides explaining only part of the job?
Maybe we let @ DominiqueGEORGES finish the basic install first before overburdening him with Reverse Proxies, Nginx and so on. He has just mastered the EEPROM updating, still a long way to go
There are 4 different ways of installing HA.
Each of these have different behaviors (that means there are 4 different HA kits to manage) .
They may evoluate in parallel ways.
Why having to install MQTT and/or NodeRed to integrate and manage RFX devices ?
Why not simply integrate it behind an interface that would present you the same way of interaction for all the devices, no matter the protocol used.
Everyone offers his solution, it is very nice, powerful, … but, that means a different logic and a different percent of problem coverage for each of the provided solutions.
This induces lot of ways to cover partially device usage, but difficult to find the good one, the one which is really maintained, the one which covers all the device possibilities …
HA is (at least seems to be) very powerful, but miss a captain to pilot the boat ;), a manager that creates and forces rules to be followed by developers.
Tamsy, I agree that managing HA on a Raspberry is far more complex than managing … thousands of servers running in a industrial world where up time and reliability should never go behind 99,999 % (which is is my world) and where easy and standard interconnectivity is the basics.
I understand that I put my expectations for too high, as I try to retrieve such an environment and vision in using HA (and add-ons) on a simple Raspberry.
Now that you have figured it out, you can write a guide to helps others.
I’m not good enough in writing reliable and usable documentation as I should for that.
And as I had to make so many different manipulations to succeed in, that I do not remember what has really been required to have it working.
But I agree that, with the experience (which is really a time consuming activity) we can find a way (not THE way) to install some features, from time to time a way to configure it, but more rarely real life examples with the way to interact with that module.
I love humor (which is generally positive and constructive) but far less sarcasms (negative and far more destructive)
Agree there are many ways to install HA. That’s is why you need to try one that fits your preferences. In my case Debian + HA + Supervised version. Why? because I can have total control over my server for other purposes and not just HA.
MQTT and NodeRed is also preferences, since you do not need one or depend on whether you want more capability then yes it will give you more power over the just HomeAssistant
Again do it step-by-step and you will get there. Once you are on that stage for sure you just need to backup your setup and you should not have too much problem setting up again.
Don’t worry, Dominique. Me myself started in the early 90th from novell netware and found a home in the *nix-world since the late '90th with red hat, debian and later ubuntu and working as a professional system integrator and administrator ever since until today.
When I started fiddling around with a Raspi ~3 years ago (Pi-Hole tempted me into it) it felt somehow unreal and toyisch at the beginning. If you are used to *nix the learning curve is not that steep.
I advise you to simply start simple: Take your Raspi with an SSD card and install the Home Assistant Operating System onto it. Plain and simple.
Make yourself comfortable with it, not much that can go wrong here.
It wont take too long and you want more out of HA. Only then think about taking the next step. This way you’ll get a soft approch into the HA world which is not as painful as what you might have experienced until now.
Just install HassOS to keep it simple and setup all of those others functions through Add-ons. Why Node Red anyway?
You seem to be over complicating things far more than necessary and convincing yourself that it’s difficult. It’s not.