Why not swipe through lovelace views instead of

When using HA on the phone (and tablet too), it would be very handy if you could just swipe left and right to change lovelace views. Now you have to use the buttons/text at the top.

maybe you are looking for something like this?

I find it works great on ios

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Hey @varmluft,

Do you have this working in the iOS app? I finally got it going in safari but not in the app



I wasn’t aware of this add-on, I will give it a go this afternoon.

It works using IOS 13.(latest) and Safari. The only cosmetic issue I detected is when swiping to the 2nd view (first swipe). It looks like the view is vertically centered and so the lovelace title is “hidden” as are the top entities in the view. When continuing to the next view, it seems aligned at top again.

Of course you can swipe vertical to go to the top of the view again, but i think it is a cosmetic bug. I will report it at the Lovelace Swipe Navigation page.

Things work as expected once you choose animate: fade instead of swipe. See the post/topic it self for the details :slightly_smiling_face:

yep, its doing its job in ios