Does anyone know if I can somehow relatively simply use the WiFi controller bundled in this package with HA?
If not, what would you recommend?
Does anyone know if I can somehow relatively simply use the WiFi controller bundled in this package with HA?
If not, what would you recommend?
i use this but you have to do some soldering click here it works really god
For me, the controller looks similar. Both have the “QR Code” and the “Magic Home” logo. And wasn’t Magic Home and Arilux the same Hardware??
I was hoping not to do any soldering.
Is there any cheap led strips that works pretty much out of the box with HA?
yes, it looks like the controller i also have, which works great with ha.
Does it work out of the box, or is there something special I need to be aware off?
check here it looks the same to me
Do you use the magic home controller with Home Assistant? If so did you just use the light flux?
Did they worked out of the box with the Component added to homeassistan? or did you had to tinker with them?
I followed the instructions on the page linked linked above, now when I start up home assistant, the lights only show up as an entity and not as a device. What I originally wanted to do was to use my Kasa smart switch to control both the kitchen light and the LED strip. It doesn’t seem like I can do that when the LED strip is only listed as an entity and not a device. I’m a new guy at this so I’m probably missing something
what control model do you have
i don’t have kasa switches but if you give me more info i can help
you can make an automation to turn them on/off