Wifi thermostat (Beok, Floureon, Beca Energy) component

For those, who are interested - i’ve updated component by removing PID functionality and adding “away” preset.

You could find updated component version and some documentation here:


with my Beok, which was working with the old component by Clementtal, the new floureon custom component seems to work, but the reported temperature is always 0. On the thermostat display is correctly reported, it is just not reported in home assistant.
Any clue?

Thank you. Pid_controller.py can be removed ,is it right?

Yes, it is not required so it can be removed.

Thank you. I would like to track the time where thermostat is in heating (hvac_action= heating). I would create a template sensor to count this time, but i don’t know how. Can you suggest me how to write this template sensor?

Yes, of course. First I’ve configured binary sensor, wether my thermostat is heating or not:

- platform: template
      value_template: '{{ states.climate.bedroom_floor.attributes.hvac_action == "heating" }}'
      value_template: '{{ states.climate.kitchen_floor.attributes.hvac_action == "heating" }}'

then I configured history sensors:

- platform: history_stats
  name: bedroom_floor_heating_ratio
  entity_id: binary_sensor.bedroom_floor_heating
  state: 'on'
  type: ratio
  start: '{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
    hours: 24

- platform: history_stats
  name: kitchen_floor_heating_ratio
  entity_id: binary_sensor.kitchen_floor_heating
  state: 'on'
  type: ratio
  start: '{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
    hours: 24

Personally, I prefer seeing percentage of heating (type: ratio), not current time. Please refer to history_stats component documentation for more configuration options.

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Many thanks, that was the part i was missing:

I don’t know yet the language/syntax used here.

It is HA template, kind of jinja/python-ish syntax. You can find more at http://<your home assistant url>/developer-tools/template

this component is not working with 0.98.5. please help

I’m running it in 0.99.2 and it works well. I don’t think your issue is related to HA version.

Do ypu have any other broadlink component like smartIr or any other climate??

Can you share your config??


Have received my thermostat. Unfortunatelly it is not broadlink-based. It is Tuya-based. So it cannot be controled by this component. 80/tcp port is not opened on it. Only 6668.

Too bad. Will try to find another solution to control it localy.

Maybe you can try this component:

Hello Ligio,

Looks interesting. But I have some questions about this version

  1. You have pytuya folder inside components. You have putuya in manifest.json. Home Assistant will download this component by it’s own on start. IMHO the folder can be removed.
  2. I didn’t find any import of pytuya in the code
  3. I can see imports of CONF_USERNAME,CONF_PASSWORD and CONF_COUNTRYCODE. Same parameters as tuya component wich work with tuya cloud. As I know to work localy with tuya device the local_key is needed. At last thermostat IP address is not used in the code.
  4. Even with cloud mode thermostat can be registered not in tuya but smart_life cloud. But the code doesn’t know any other platform but tuya.

So I don’t understand how this can work. May You explain it?

Thanks Giovanni for yor response, but after update to 0.99.2 thia stil not working!!! same error
2019-09-24 22:06:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Platform error climate.floureon - Integration floureon not found.

hello with hassio in vm and thermostao beok I get this error:
Configurazione non valida
Platform error climate.beok - cannot import name ‘STATE_AUTO’ from ‘homeassistant.components.climate.const’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/const.py)

Hello everyone!
To be honest I am a bit confused.
I am planning to buy a smart thermostat or control the current one by placing a Shelly on it.
I would prefer to have a smart one mainly due to visual result.
So I found this one Floureon HY08WE
Is it going to work with the uspass/hysenheating in 0.99?
And a bonus question. :grin: What about adding it in HACS?

Hi, i use this thermostat:

with this component:

in Hassio 0.99.2 on Rpi 3b+ and all is working.

Giovani the component is working fine to 0.99.2 but if you install broadlink ir component then it stops. do have a solution?