Windows says 8123 is denying access

Ok, thou i don’t understand what you mean by the last sentences, on the other hand, im not familiar with your network setup/hardware

I thought by setting up a new PC I could isolate the problem to hardware. Just so time consuming. Very frustrated as I’ve been sitting at my desk with this for over 12 hours. and no progress.

ok, yes “isolate by exclude” is sometimes needed, thou HA seems to work fine, and get it’s(correct) LAN settings(same as your other devices are on(mac, pc, laptop phone etc), from your “Router” i assume, unless you have some external DHCP, and by nslookup command in windows you verify from which device you get name-resolution (most likely also from your Router) , as i mentioned earlier, so al this still looks good ( thou ofcause you haven’t verified “here” whether this is right ).

I don’t know about Virtual-Box, as i use VMware Player, i find it more stable and easier

1 thing that can mess up things (depending upon the network), is that you have 2st IP-v6 in your HA instance(in same interface), i would disable them(never seen 2, and you most likely don’'t even need 1)
And check your Router, and make sure IPv6 is disabled there(best)

going to try and run this on VMPlayer and see if that’s the issue.

well that didn’t work. It loaded HA but I cannot access anything thru .local:

OK…DONE!!! I give up… $25.00 cup of coffee for anyone with the solution. DM me here.

An advice is to be more “detailed” initially in your OP, but also in the follow up

Like above, what didn’t work ?, installing on a new PC, Installing VMware, which version installed etc.
And “verify/report back” if someone suggest an “action”, so one can know on which “page” you are, what “detailed” actions you have performed etc.

ex. it took more than 1 day before you provided details from the VM monitor, as initally suggested by Wally, and later me 2 times … And then it was on a newly installed HA , not the initial … and your Header saying “denying access” but the latest screenshot browser says “can’t connect” to https

So a good way of “reporting” initially is always post screenshot of errors message, whether it’s from browser HA-front-end, or look up errors/respons in logfile , or through HA-Console(VM-monitor)

And when it’s access problems it’s also good to know when it started, how your network-setup looks like, i.e Router-setting(And i.e firewall setting in the Router), which DNS you use whether you have proxy etc. etc., the more relevant the better

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You are trying to connect to httpS:// whereas your HA webUI is exposed on

Your points are well taken. As mentioned earlier I’m a newbie and my nomenclature may not always be correct. If you can recommend a list of info to be posted, I will be glad to share any info I have. I’m willing to follow the steps…just don’t know what they are. Thanks in advance Nick for any help going forward.

I’ve tried http://, https:// and just the ip address with same result…

Most likely HA has a “new” IP now, but i believe he tried earlier(not that i know) as feedback lacks here

correct…the new ip is so… resolves perfectly BUT :8123 says the site cannot be reached.

Come on!


Do you have any local firewall setting in your router ? , which HA Core version ?

And as mentioned earlier, NABU CASA, i suggest you login to your NB account and disable the Service, as your HA most likely have change internal IP number more than the 3 time past 24 hours, and who knows maybe even your WAN IP … which you can find in your Router-Settings
And you don’t have a “Working” NABU CASA Service now, as you have reinstalled HA 3 Time, and not been able to install/activate it in HA

it says waiting for supervisor to startup… in a few of the screenshots in this thread

there was a supervisor update a couple of days ago, thats where i would be starting…

Does this have the info you’re looking for?

Are you suggesting a roll back of supervisor? IF so, how?

what does it say if you type “supervisor logs” into the cli?

Yes seems like it’s 2023.6.1 but there are a newer 6.3 , thats why i suggested earlier to do “core update” as i recall there was recently some “connection” issues with initiall release ( for some people )
You can search the Forum for this(it’s in the past month)

But as mention, disable your NB account ! and all local settings you have done related to this, you don’t have NB installed/enabled in your HA, so this could mess it up for you

It always says so, but the following shows it’s up and running fine, so it’s nothing to be concern about