Windows says 8123 is denying access

Are you suggesting a roll back of supervisor? IF so, how?

what does it say if you type “supervisor logs” into the cli?

Yes seems like it’s 2023.6.1 but there are a newer 6.3 , thats why i suggested earlier to do “core update” as i recall there was recently some “connection” issues with initiall release ( for some people )
You can search the Forum for this(it’s in the past month)

But as mention, disable your NB account ! and all local settings you have done related to this, you don’t have NB installed/enabled in your HA, so this could mess it up for you

It always says so, but the following shows it’s up and running fine, so it’s nothing to be concern about

i forgot on the monitor it will continue to say that! from terminal it doesnt…

either way, supervisor logs and core logs would be good for troubleshooting.

true, but we can most likely only get a screenshot of last 30rows or so, but always good with “more info”

Notice the IP address is different, it’s with the port being 8123

i wonder if its a similar issue to this one

that’s probably the docker address, not the ipV4

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seeing something interesting…not sure if it helps but after clearing web browser cache, every time I enter the browser says cannot connect with www. Can’t get rid of the www except if I use https:// which is not going to help.

Can you show; how you set your VM container to the external host interface (network)?

That is IPv4 addressing and I doubled checked that is the internal VM container IP address. Off to double check how that is to be tied to the external host network settings.

clearly you previously said that ha had changed to192.168.1.176:8123, are you saying it has change again ?
You can’t have a “Server” that change IP-number after each reboot/reinstall !, fix it in your Router, as i mentioned, … it should always have the same IP, as i.e mDNS builds up a list, and if im not wrong NC also needs to knows which internal IPv4 HA is running on etc.

Also i wonder, are you running HA on a machine over WIFI ?

Im not sure what you are talking about, but if you use homeassistant in VM, im sure you’ll know and can see that his screenshot of “core info” is perfectly correct, and this means he should not care about the 172… IP-number, it’s HA internal, set by HA, and nothing he(anyone) should tamper with.

PS: you said you double-checked ?, does that mean you ran “network info” and “core info” in your setup ?
in that case im curious what “installation” you have, and how you came to the conclusion that he should tie a 172. number to

Scott, these are a few things you can do:

  1. Reserve an IP address in your (modem-)router since it seems you’re using DHCP and your HA is using different IP adresses all the time
  2. Try another browser or device, AFTER you are sure what the correct IP address is from your HA

I don’t know how safari handles http vs https URL’s: I know there are settings for this behavior in FF.
Are you using add-ons/integrations, if so: which ones?

ok…set the static ip to Confirmed in VM window as ip address. shows observer ALL GOOD, but every browser I have changes to www. In addition homeassistant.local:8123 can not be reached by safari or chrome.

Also have you disabled IPv6 , in your router, and HA , as i mentioned earlier ?( “network info” screenshot )

I don’t know how to disable IPv6 in VM monitor. I was able to disable it in the router.

I was also able to get fixed ip address for vm at

And do you run your HA over WIFI ?

And did you download the latest VM-image ( or is it “backup” of previous ha-installation, with potential “bad” settings ?),

NEW download so there is a chance you get core 2023.6.3, and latest supervisor/fronted ?

Other than that would it be “important” to know if you have done other Router-settings, and firewall setting in your Router. and/or use any DDNS ?

(and make sure your windows-firewall allow ALL ports LOCALLY, or make sure “temporary” to disable the firewall)